Chapter 13

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Tony stands frozen in the middle of the forest as his friends all spring to action around him. Y/N is now the newest recruit of Hydra and it is the end of him and Iron Man both. He can't, no, won't move against you. It is completely against his nature to hurt the ones he loves as if Steve and those that ganged up with him during the whole small civil war they'd had a few years ago damn well knew. Before his mind can catch up and process what he's seeing, before he can even turn and ask his friends what the actual hell is going on, Steve tackles him into the trees a few yards to their left as the rest of the Avengers begin to fight Y/N. "Steve, tell me that I'm fucked up. Tell me I'm drunk, and this is all a fever dream. Tell me something, ANYTHING!" Tony begs as his bottom lip begins to quiver and he fights hard against the flood of tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.

"Tony, I'm so sorry," Steve says as bullets whiz over their heads and shouts and yells come from the clearing in front of them. Tony can't take it anymore and begins to sob uncontrollably. His sweet angel, his Y/N/N is now a monster of Hydra and he knows that it will have to be him to take you down. None of the other Avengers, no matter how many of them group together, will be able to defeat you and it absolutely kills him inside. "Call everyone off. I don't care how just call them off. I'll draw Y/N away and fight her where I know that there aren't any chances of an innocent civilian getting hurt." Tony says as tears continue to stream down his face. Steve looks at him for a long moment and then nods and uses the comm to tell everyone to fall back. Immediately there's cries of outrage and backlash and it's ultimately that, hearing his teammates, the ones he thought knew just how deeply he loves you, screaming and howling for your blood that fuels his rage even further and push him up off the ground and into the air. The last thing Tony hears before he takes off is Steve's voice in his ear saying, "Tony's going to lead her further into the forest. We're still to close to town and he doesn't want to risk any civilians getting hurt."

Tony takes off and sure enough, Y/N looks up and grins evilly and begins sprinting along behind on the ground following him like a hawk. He flies for about thirty minutes all the while getting five-minute updates from Friday on whether you are still trailing him or not. Every time the female AI's lilting accent would confirm that you're still down there relentlessly hounding his every move another piece of his cold heart breaks. It isn't fair, he thinks to himself. He's finally sober of everything. The pills, the booze, the gambling, the whoring, he'd straightened up his life and now it seems as though when he's finally, FINALLY, getting his shit together and becoming a productive adult, the universe decides to punish him for his past transgressions and it isn't fucking fair in the least. 

Finally, he can take it no more and he lands and says softly to Friday, "Keep the others updated. If I'm wounded, then give them my precise GPS coordinates and where Y/N was last seen and what direction she was heading in." Once his final orders to Friday are given he turns and immediately finds himself face to face with the love of his life, or rather, the husk of who once was the love of his life. "Please, don't do this." He whimpers softly. He knows that he won't be able to get through the brainwashing and whatever programming Hydra had done to you but he is damn sure going to try. You tilt your head slightly but give no other indication that you'd even heard him. Without a single word of warning, Y/N leap at him with a knife in hand and the hardest fight of Anthony Edward Stark's life begins. 

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