Prologue: Act 2

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Act 2: Between the Living and the Dead

Arriving at the entrance, your new home looks like a haunted mansion

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Arriving at the entrance, your new home looks like a haunted mansion. "It's like one of those horror movies" you said and Crowley lead you inside the gates "There there now, this is the only place i can offer you to stay."

"Ramshackle dorm? This used to be a lively place so it's understandable why they would put a fancy name. Actually all dorms are fancy " You looked at the sign near the gates. Entering the lounge area, it's what you expect from an abandoned building

Curtains torn, some small holes on the floor, cobwebs. "Now i must continue my research, do anything to keep yourself busy." He turned around facing the door "Don't catch me see you wandering the campus, see you!" And left.

The nerve...Now you'll have to clean up this place. "So much for hospitality... now i am alone. Should i wander this place or see if the mark─" You halt from talking when you heard water pouring. Checking outside the window it was raining "Great, a perfect setting for a horror movie. What's next? is there a monster─"

"GAH! It's pouring outside!"


Looking around to see the familiar voice, you saw Grim right at the entrance and he started cackling "Bwahaha! Your reaction is priceless!" Then he said something of how he managed to sneak back in.

"Ahem, why do you want to go here by the way?" You cleared your throat, his answer was because he's destined to become a powerful sorcerer. His determination made you a smile a bit, reminds you of how your first son, Ryu was always dreaming of becoming a Guuji since he was a schoolboy

"I've been waiting for that carriage to pick me up...but that dark mirror got no taste" He scoffed. "It's probably because you're not a person. I don't even know this school alot, let alone it's system so maybe it only chooses people as it's student...? Seeing a talking ca─ unique animal talk is rare"

Knowing grim would get mad if you call him a cat, you changed it to a different word. Making him more smug "Of course i am unique! I will become part of the most powerful mages in magic history!" Congrats, you just feed his ego more.

His monologue was stopped by rain falling from holes in the roof. Stepping aside, another raindrop hit him making him shiver. "Oh yeah, you can't use magic to fix it. You're utterly useless"

Sighing, you tried summoning your wings. Then you heard a small flap. IT'S STILL HERE! "Eek! You have wings!?" He stepped back in shock. You closed your eyes for a brief moment and felt the softness of your six wings. "I'm glad my Nephilim blood is still here, now i have to check the mark. But not while the cat is here"

"How did you even have wings!? You can't use magic but..." His voice slowed down when you made your wings disappear. "Now's not the time for questions. I'll have to search for any bucket to catch the raindrops"

Travailing Magicless ✿ Twisted Wonderland X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now