Interlude: Ghost Marriage

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Interlude: If you're looking for a husband slap NRC *slap slap*

This isn't much of a chapter but i decided to make this one before i disappear until the beginning of next month

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This isn't much of a chapter but i decided to make this one before i disappear until the beginning of next month.

Interlude Chapter: Is a special chapter equivalent to a side story that isn't connected to the main storyline. As you can see this chapter is basically for fun and doesn't narrate the entire event. Enjoy~


"Agh i hate this.... WHERE'S THE PREFECT WHEN YOU NEED HER!?" Ace let go of his soft persona and snapped because of this shit

You weren't there when it happened. You and grim were hanging out in your realm and told Crowley that you and him are off somewhere. Basically the gang got slapped in their asses─ ahem, i mean their face

"I promised Y/N and my mom to not hurt girls" Deuce rubbed the stingy feeling on his cheek. "Tsk, For the first time i feel guilty calling Y/N a herbivore..." Leona was a half tsundere for you and even though calling you mean words is already against his motto of disrespectful wamen, he continued because he couldn't understand his feelings for you

Getting slapped by the ghost bride was a wakeup call realizing how you were soft on him. Leona couldn't do the shit he was told to and he got slapped by Eliza for that thing meanwhile you, getting dIsrespecTed by Leona didn't even try laying a hand on him

"Shrimpy chan.....where are you...your soft skin can make this pain go away..." Flyod contemplated. He wanted to hug you as his teddy bear─ teddy shrimp but you were off somewhere.

"Tch, I wasted my time on my skin care..." Vil wanted to slap her back so badly. "Everyone calm down" Crowley stepped in "Easy for you to say headmaster, all of us are getting slapped!" Jack exclaimed

"Headmage, where even is Y/N?" - Ace
"Yeah, Grim is gone too. You said they are off somewhere but where exactly?" - Deuce

That's the main question on everyone's mind. Your harem missed you alot while you're probably pole dancing with Grim and the ghosts in your realm, eating sweets and basically ignoring your harem's plea for help

"Getting ignored by Y/N is more painful than being slapped, where is she?" Lilia frowned, trying to ignore the stingy feeling. "Ah now that you mention it" Crowley put a finger under his chin "She and Grim are doing the deed somewhere"

Key phrase: Doing the deed. You told Ace and Deuce that's the phrase when you will be going inside your realm. These two are the only NRC students you have told and gave access to your realm aside from Grim

If you're the deed then that means you're relaxing in your realm while they're suffering from the ghost bride. Ace and Deuce looked at each in shock "You you perhaps know something?" Azul crossed his arms in suspicion

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