Interlude: Crossdressing

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Chapter ─ Phantom Bride

Since Ghost marriage got released on the English version, i decided to make a chapter about it with DIFFERENT ENDING

Guessing by the title you already know most of the plot here ⌓‿⌓
F/C: favorite color
N/N: nickname

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"Do I really have to?"

Grim whined, you changed into your home clothing. Sweatpants with a crop top and tied up hair just to do chores "It's the weekends bud, we need to clean shit"

But when you were about to grab the broom, a trio of ghosts in a more royalty clothing appeared. Where did Ichi, Ni and San go?  Probably off somewhere

Getting kicked off your dorm to complain it to Crowley, eventually he said some ghost princess whore came to find her dream man that is literally a dream since all boys in NRC are shits

Now the main campus is also filled with ghosts, so you went to the sports field the neutral zone in the campus.

"Greetings to you, Y/N. It's nice to see you're safe, and...." Azul scanned you from top to bottom "Don't judge why I am barefoot and wearing sweatpants. Those ghosts fucking kicked me out before i could grab my shoes"

"How come you give no reaction barefoot outside?" Kalim asked "It's normal, in my other  form i had to walk barefoot and sometimes─" you shrugged

"Sometimes? Are you kidding?" Ace's eye twitched "Bro I'm so broke there was one time i couldn't afford to buy sandals i had to walk barefoot" you facepalmed

"Aren't queens supposed to be rich?" Grim crossed his paws "I used to be, but there was one time i had to sacrifice all my wealth for my land"

"We're getting off track here just because Y/N is barefoot, we need to get those ghosts off" Just like in the event Crowley explained and gaslighted the students to save Idia.

And bla bla bla they failed and got slapped to the bone. Fast forward Crowley had to make short kings like Riddle to take part.

"Big sis please help us save big bro!" Ortho clinged to your arm "But Y/N is a woman, the princess is looking for a man" Crowley justified

"It's only looking out for the suitors! Please big sis! Big bro's game nights wouldn't be the same..." He gave you the puppy eyes, and that gave you a plan

"I have an idea" everyone looked at you "You guys change into your tux and go first, i'll be back at Ramshacke to do something. Ortho, Grim, come with me" you lead the two kids away

"What is Ma cheri going to do?" Rook was intrigued "I don't know, but her plans always give us a chance of winning. Let's just go first and wait for her" Riddle smiled

In the dorm, you picked up a few boxes from your realm "Brother wouldn't mind me wearing his clothes" and a few hair pins.

Ortho and Grim watched you transform into a feminine lady to a masculine one, it was impossible to tell you were a woman unless if they zoom in your chest body shape

Travailing Magicless ✿ Twisted Wonderland X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now