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Lunch, the most dreadful time for Katuski. He never enjoyed lunch only because he got dragged around the lunch room. It either was Izuku trying to get the blonde to come eat with him ans his group, or Kirishima trying to get him to sit with the usual group. However, today seemed different.

Katuski's shoes squeaked across the floor as he walked through the lunch room doors. He furrowed his eyebrows at the scene. The entire class has put three tables together so they could all sit with each other. He groaned and rubbed his forehead. Honestly, he should have not been surprised. Eventually the class would've figured out they were allowed to move the tables around. The blonde went and bought his lunch. Not two minutes later Kirishima had grabbed his arm and dragged him to the table.

" What in the fuck are you doing? " he huffed at him.

" Grabbing you before you run off with your lunch, " Kiri pointed out.

Kat groaned, but let the redhead drag him around. Eventually, he stopped and the two sat down. Beside him was Izuku, then Kiri sat down on the other side. Honestly, Katsuki just sat there and listened to the chaos of thrir class, as he often did even in the classroom. However, Izuku seemed to quickly take it the subject of Kat and how loud he is. It seemed like the table, eventually, was placing bet on who was the loudest.

It bothered him, to say the least. He poked at his food, unsure if he even wanted to eat anymore. He was tired of everyone doing this. He couldn't even speak up. Any time he tried, he just got shushed or ignored. It's how lunch always was. He, apparently, wasn't allowed to speak during lunch.

" Shut the fuck up! " he yelled at Izuku, major the smaller flinch.

" Bakugou bring your voice down! " a staff in the lunch room proceeded to shout from behind him.

The blonde had to fight not to flinch from it. He hadn't meant to be so loud, nor did he sound that loud to himself. He looked back to his food, still poking at it. Eventually, he gave up and got up. He took care of his food then left the room. He thought he heard Kirishima ask if he was okay, but he wasn't entirely sure. He figured he just heard wrong. Why would any one actually care anyways.

Kat wasn't entirely sure how long he walked around the hallways for. It felt like an hour, but he knew that wasn't true. Though, when he turned the corner for what felt like the thirtieth time, he had spotted the group Mina often called the Deku squad. He shifted his footing before turning to leave. However, the topic of their conversation peeked his curiosity.

" Why is Bakugou always out to get you? "

" I don't know, it's unfair, honestly! We've been friends for years but he's always been like this, " Izuku whined, acting as if he was clueless to all Kat did.

" How are you not deaf either? Takes some serious hearing damage to put up with that voice. "

The group laughed together. Even though he knew the conversation hurt him, ripped him apart even, he couldn't stop listening. His crimson eyes peeled around the corner to see the group. Everyone seemed to be talking besides Todoroki and Uraraka. Uraraka looked uncomfortable, fidgeting with her skirt. Todoroki looked like he just wanted to leave already, like the topic was boring or generally uninteresting.

" Come on guys- isn't that being a little mean? " Uraraka spoke up nervously.

" Hardly, with the nicknames he gives other people or the things he says, he deserves it, " Izuku waved off the girl.

" I think she has a valid point, there is probably a valid explanation for his behavior, " Todoroki spoke up.

It somewhat, warmed Kat's heart over the fact they were defending him. It was something he rarely even saw. Kiri seemed to be the only person in his life who did it. He shifted so his body faced forward, resting his back against the wall. Why did he have such a strong urge to cry?

" He's going to end up being the loudest hero! "

The group laughed again.

" Maybe if he even gets that far, he's definitely more villian material. "

He was done. He pushed himself off the wall and sped walk down the hallway. Present Mic happened to be in the hallway. He spotted the, usually, pissy male scrambling down the hallway. At first, he didn't put anything past it. However, he had spotted the tears that managed to fall from the younger.

" Bakugou? " he spoke up, unfortunately it didn't stop Katsuki. The young student only ran right past him.

Something was not right. Since when did Bakugou cry? The teacher curiously followed the path he had come from. He found the group, listening to their conversation before putting two and two together. It broke his heart to see a student have to go through the things he did. He breathed out softly and walked around the corner, revealing himself to the group.

" Knock it off, this is no way to talk about a classmate. Even if it's behind their back! " Yamaha scolded the group.

He had to do something before this got worse. He didn't think he could forgive himself if Bakugou had to suffer through what he did.

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