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Katsuki's boots slammed against the dirt and slid across the wet grass as he walked out the the large field. The track was large, having a soccer field set up in the center of it. However, not many students seemed to still be around. He assumed he took too long cleaning and now everyone had left to go inside and left. He didn't mind, meant more space for him. Out on the large feild was Izuki (no surprise), Shoto, Kirishima, and Shinso. He watched them for some time before stretching himself out. He listened to his joints pop and crack, yawning as he stretched back. It was unintentional, but he's tired.

He's barely slept lately. Once he was sure he was stretched out, he began his run. It was silent, nothing more than his heartbeat and his focused, rapid, breathing. Though, the rush of running always helped clear his mind, apart of him hoped to burn off this mental energy so he could finally get some sleep. He knew he could not miss anymore sleep, otherwise he'd really start to fall apart more than he already had been. Katsuki's pace increased as he lost himself. The slams of his feet against the paved track filled his ears, calmed him even.

Time passed faster than Kat had even notice. His pace was slowing, it had been hours of him running around in circles burning off the energy of his body. His feet slid and tripped over themselves from time to time. His body screamed at him to stop and rest, but will he? No, he wouldn't. He would not give I'm so easily to the way his lungs burned so aggressively. He barely could breathe, but he took in the oxygen he could and kept pushing himself.

Eventually, he was stopped. Katsuki was grabbed by two strong arms. Unfortunately, his body was so exhausted he kinda just flopped right into the person. He heeved and coughed harshly from the rest his body finally got. He looked to see who in the hell even stopped him. He was surprised to see the familiar red head. His eyes looked around, noticing the sun getting ready to set and the fact it was only them to. He struggled to pull himself to his feet, pushing Kirishima off of him only to flop back into his arms. If it weren't for said arms, he would've went face first into the pavement.

" Relax Bakubro. You shouldn't push yourself so much, we DO still have class tomorrow, " Kirishima lightly scolded.

He barely could heard him over his heavy panting and coughing. Don't even get him started on how hard his heart pounded against his chest. It wouldn't be the first time that he's pushed himself like this because he couldn't sleep or was in mental distress. It usually worked to do this, though, it felt like everything was getting worse these days.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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