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Katsuki woke up on the floor of his dorm room. The blanket lazily thrown over him, but it still left him feeling cold. His head pounced in pain. Maybe because of his crying? He didn't know. He didn't cry enough to actually know if he had to be honest. His crimson eyes looked around before he slowly pushed himself up. His body felt heavy, and exhausted. It felt like he hadn't slept for days, which probably wouldn't be all that false. Kat looked around before reaching over and picking up his phone. He plugged it in then got to cleaning up the mess he had made hours before.

He remade his bed, cleaned the blood off the floor, changed out blankets or sheets that had blood on them, put his first aid kit away after changing out the bandages on his thighs, then finally cleaned the box cutter and slipped it back into the spot he usually kept it on his desk. Once finally finished, he sat on the edge of his bed. He felt tired, but also full of energy. He wasn't entirely sure how to describe it. Maybe anxious? Whatey the feeling, he felt like he needed to get out and walk around, or just do something already.

So, Kat changed his clothes and turned his phone on. It had enough battery to make him happy. He looked at all the messages, or glanced over them. He eventually just cleared all his notifications, not even bothering to respond to any of them. He tucked his phone into his hoodie pockets, then quietly left his dorm. He made sure to be light on his feet, especially as he went down the stairs to the main room. The tv being on had surprised him, to say the least. The blonde curiously looked over to see the familiar group of friends asleep on a mix of the floor and couches.

He sighed and turned off the TV for them. Sure, Kat is an asshole, but he wasn't even sure if that was how he actually was. Honestly, he didn't know who he was still. He heard shuffling, jumping slightly from it. He probably shouldn't have touched the tv, but apart of him wanted one of his classmates to wake.

" Bakugou-kun? " Uraraka spoke with this half asleep voice.

It was kind of cute. The male looked away and gave a small hum in response. His thighs hurt. They throbbed with pain, especially his right leg. The more pressure he seemed to put on the leg the worse the pain.

" Where'd you go? You didn't come back to class, " she asked, keeping her voice low.

He wasn't sure how to answer her, or if he even wanted to. What if he woke the others with his voice? He just wanted to go on a walk to get rid of this strange build up of energy. Kat decided just to shrug and he moved to leave.

" Where are you going? " the sleepy girl asked as she moved to fully sit up and see the blonde.

Even with the darkness of the common room, it was still fairly easy to make out who was who. Katsuki simply shrugged once more, then moved to leave the dorms all together. He quietly closed the front doors of the dorm. The hair was cold once he had gotten outside. It was a contrast he didn't entirely appreciate, honestly. He began walking along the concrete path. Unfortunately, he didn't get far before the all too familiar scarf wrapped around him and yanked him back. Kat's worn tennis shoes slid across the concrete as he struggled to keep his balance.

" What are you doing out here? You know you're not allowed to leave. Also IT'S LITERALLY ONE AM, " Aizawa scolded.

The older didn't give the younger any time to answer before dragging him off to the dorms again. Honestly, he just let his teacher do it. His shoes made an awful sound as he was dragged across the sidewalk. He was surprised Aizawa didn't just pick him up and carry him like a sack of potatoes.

" You will be serving detention for this, got it? I get it you're going through shit hut this is no excuse to break rules inplaced to protect you idiot, " the exhausted teacher continued to scold him, but he zoned out so much he couldn't even hear him after awhile.

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