Chapter 11

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"Annddd, there it is. The catch," I said with a very annoyed face.

"They're like piranhas!" Annabeth said.

"Piranhas with woo-" 

"Guys! Look," Annabeth  pointed down the beach, to just below the sheep meadow, where a small boat had been run aground....the other lifeboat from the CSS Birmingham.

We decided there was no way we could get past the man-eating sheep. Annabeth wanted to sneak up the path invisibly and grab the Fleece, but in the end Percy convinced her that something would go wrong. The sheep would smell her. Another guardian would appear. Something. And if that happened, we'd be too far away to help.

We moored the Queen Anne's Revenge on the back side of the island where the cliffs rose straight up a good two hundred feet. Percy figured that the boat would be less noticeable there. The cliffs were barely climbable. At least it was free of sheep. I hoped that Polyphemus did not also keep carnivorous mountain goats.

We rowed a lifeboat to the edge of the rocks and made our way up. I went first since I was the better climber, these rocks were what I would have to train on. I slowly climbed up, with each movement I would tug hard on the hypothetical hand holding to see if it would break. Most of the time it didn't and I would use the indent to pull me up, but sometimes it did break and fall right into either Annabeth's face or Percy's. We all slowly made our way up. The wind was making my hair go crazy, I didn't take out the braid from C.C's  until it was time to climb. My hair kept blowing right into my face which made it harder to climb. 

Finally when my arms felt like lead and were burning we got to the top and pulled ourselves to the top. 

"Ughhh," I complained.

"Mmm," Percy groaned.

"Ouch," moaned Annabeth.

"Garrr!" bellowed another voice.

If I had enough energy I would of had a greater reaction but I just simply turned my head. Annabeth had her hand over Percy's mouth and we all crouched behind some rocks. 

 The ledge we were sitting on was narrower than I'd realized. It dropped off on the opposite side, and that's where the voice was coming from—right below us.

"You're a feisty one!" the deep voice bellowed.

"Challenge me!" Clarisse's voice, no doubt about it. "Give me back my sword and I'll fight you!"

The monster roared with laughter.

Annabeth and I crept to the edge. We were right above the entrance of the Cyclops's cave.

Below us stood Polyphemus and something in a wedding dress.

"Is that your friend?" I whispered to Percy.

He nodded, "Grover."

  Clarisse was tied up, hanging upside down over a pot of boiling water. I was half hoping that she would fall in, the other half of me didn't hope that. Though more of me wanted it to happen.

"Hmm," Polyphemus pondered. "Eat loudmouth girl now or wait for wedding feast? What does my bride think?"

"Loudmouth? That's a new one, I'm gonna have to use that more." I said mumbling to myself, Annabeth smirked.

He turned to Grover, who backed up and almost tripped over his completed bridal train. "Oh, um, I'm not hungry right now, dear. Perhaps—"

"Did you say bride?" Clarisse demanded. "Who— Grover?"

Next to me, Annabeth muttered, "Shut up. She has to shut up. "

Polyphemus glowered. "What 'Grover'?"

"The satyr!" Clarisse yelled.

"Oh!" Grover yelped. "The poor thing's brain is boiling from that hot water. Pull her down, dear!"

Polyphemus's eyelids narrowed over his baleful milky eye, as if he were trying to see Clarisse more clearly.

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