Chapter 2

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The bell rang to go home. Finally, 7 long hours over. I gathered my stuff and walked out of the classroom. I made it through the front gates and halfway home before being pulled behind a building. I reached for my backpack going for my army knife, but I looked to see just Daisy and a small group of boys and her goons. I took my hands away from my backpack and put them behind my back, already knowing what's going to happen.

"I don't know who you think you are, but you don't get to not have a lesson! Dodging the attacks, how rude of you. Show her what your made of boys!" Daisy said smirking and signaling the group of boys to beat me.

I made a promise to myself, I will dodge every attack, but the moment they strike me down, I attack. I am done being hurt by her, its ruining my self ego. I smirked while setting my belongings down, I quietly searched for my army knife and hid it in my skirt pocket just incase. The first boy was a high schooler, he threw only right hooked punches at me, very easy to dodge. I bent down and swung my left leg out and knocked him down. Then next boy did something similar and I used the same exact tactic.

The last boy, he knew fighting. He had the correct stance and figure. I took my hands out from behind my hand and got ready. He did an overhand punch, but I moved to the side and blocked his fist with my hands. I grabbed his wrist flipping it into my control and grabbed his arm, I made his arm go pinned behind his back to where I had complete control of what happens to him. I threw him on the ground with the other boys.

Daisy looked shocked while her goons looked scared. I walked over the pile of hurt boys on the ground and picked up my belongings. Before going around the building I turned my head and stared at Daisy straight into her eyes, I stared with no emotion or expression. Its hard for me to express emotion so I looked at her with a blank face. Her face turned from shocked to terrified. I rolled my eyes and continued my walk home.

I had my usual routine of going straight to my room, doing homework, reading a random book, and then going to bed. Today was a little different. I got to my front door and went to turn the knob. It was open, unlocked, anyone could get in. The maids would have locked it, something was happening. I grabbed my knife from my pocket and took the cover off, the blade was sharp enough to easily slice through human skin, I always keep it sharp as I was taught too. I dropped my bag and had my knife in hand, I slowly opened the door and slid in. No household staff was in sight, all the lights were off so it was dark. I could see ok, but I needed to rely on my other senses. I heard a creak upstairs. I used the exact middle of the stairs which makes them not creak, before I went up I made sure to take off my shoes. I crept up to see my room to see my door open and light on. I slid against the wall, my knife ready to strike. I listened to voices but heard none.

I flipped my knife so I could easily attack whoever the attacker was. I looked over the door frame and saw a man in a military outfit. My father, it has been 2 years since I last saw him. I dropped my knife and ran up behind him, I grabbed his wrist and forced his arm backwards making him give me a hug. It was how we greeted each other, he laughed and gave me a tight hug. His hair was dark brown and his skin was pale like mine, his voice was scratchy but I never minded. He didn't have a beard like most dads, he kept himself clean and ready for anything. He got down on his knees to my level, I stood giving him all my comfort. I cried into his shoulder, we stayed like that for a while. My father had emerald green eyes, he says I got my blue eyes from my mother but I don't remember her, and we don't have any pictures of her around the house. I got up from the hug and now it was time for questions.

"Where are the staff? Why are you home early? Why are you even home, you never come home this early? When do you have to leave aga-"

"Slow down," he said cutting me off. I took a deep breath and waited for him to answer my questions.

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