The forbidden zone

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There was this kook party tonight that Sarah invited me to, it was at her house. I mean at least if I wanted to make a quick escape, I could.

I got ready into my swimsuit, with a pair of denim shorts too— I walked into the party, being welcomed by Sarah jumping off the roof with topper. I squirmed slightly as I watched them do it, expecting the worst.

I walked over to get a drink, as I poured it I overheard rafe spreading the word that he had cocaine— I sighed, facing my cup.

"Hey," I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, "you need something better than that, because I have it." I could recognise that voice anywhere.

I turned around, facing rafe, his face quickly dropping, "no, rafe, I don't need any coke: thanks for the offer though." I groaned, before storming away, not allowing him to get another word in.

I suddenly felt myself bump into someone, "Hey beautiful, what's your name?" He said, clearly drunk.

I took a deep breath, "Brooke." I told him bluntly, hoping he'd take the hint that I'm not interested.

"Jack." He replied, his smirk growing.

"My friends are waiting for me over there, I should probably go and see them." I lied, quickly turning around.

"Am I really that bad?" He laughed then grabbed my wrist, forcing me to face him again.

"Get off, asshole." I gasped, trying to release myself from his grip, but it just got stronger.

"Oh, c'mon, don't be such a bore."

"Get off me, you prick!" I raised my voice at him, I looked around, hoping someone would realise and come to help me— they were all too drunk to realise or care.

I realised rafe might be able to help me, he'd get the hint, even if he was high. I looked over at him, and he quickly glanced back, my eyes widened at him and then they shifted down to my hand; he quickly realised. He got up, and began storming over.

"Brooke, Sarah's over there, she wanted to talk to you." Rafe quickly said, as he stood beside me, he quickly faced the man who had a hold of me— a glare forming on his face. Rafe's hands quickly landed on my waist and he pulled me back, making his hand release.

"I-i, uh...I'm sorry, man. I didn't know." The boy stuttered clearly being scared of Rafe. "I never knew y-you two were a thing."

"Well, we are." I quickly said, grabbing rafe's hand, clearly it took him by surprise— but it's just so the guy would back off.

Rafe looked back at the man, "Yeah, man. Now, go and crawl back into your hole— also, get the fuck out of my house." Rafe demanded, he moved his hand from mine and placed his arm around my shoulders.

"Again, sorry—" the man quickly began rushing out of the house.

I snickered as I watched the man hurry away, rafe's arm still being around me, "Quite a show." He said raising his eyebrows, with a small smile.

"Had to make that ass back off somehow." I replied, a small shrug.

"It's fine, I enjoyed it." He said with a smirk appearing on his face. I rolled my eyes at him, removing his arm from around me. "I think I'm gonna go, anyways." I told him, crossing my arms, beginning to walk away.

"Hey, well at least let me walk you." Rafe jogged over to me, I laughed at him for a moment.


"Hey, that creep could still be hanging around here somewhere." Rafe sarcastically said as he walked beside me.

"This is my stop anyways." I told him, pausing at the gap in the fence, that we created when we were kids— it's where we'd always used to sneak back home at night.

"Great choice of exit." He joked, a small nod.

I nodded, "hey, I forgot to say thanks—" rafe quickly cut me off as I began to speak.

"I owed you."

My brow furrowed, in confusion, rafe quickly noticed my confusion.

"What you did for Sarah, at the beach." He clarified.

"Oh, that." I quickly realised what he meant.

"It meant a lot to her, so thanks." Rafe replied, a small smile— a smile that always brung back memories.

"She's like a sister to me, if I could've done more I would've." I smiled back, beginning to climb through the gap after a couple minutes of silence.

"Bye, Brooke." He said, after I had climbed through.

I bent down slightly, peering my head through, "Bye, Rafe." I gave him a cheesy smile, as I done it.

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