Parcel 9

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I heard an unusual and painful shouting coming from the Cameron's garden, I rushed outside worryingly— and just as I stepped out, I see rafe Cameron lying on the floor holding his arm, in clear agony.

I let out a small groan, quickly rushing over to check on him, "rafe?! what the fuck happened?!" I questioned, turning around and seeing a man driving off on his bike.

I crashed on my knees, landing beside him, I slowly lifted his arm up and it revealed a large, oozing burn mark.

"Jesus, rafe." I sighed, examining the wound.

"Arghhh." He groaned, as I poked around it. "Will you stop doing that!" He snapped.

"Will you stop being such a big baby?" I replied, with a small smirk, "come on." I stood up, also having to help him up too.

I opened the door and helped him inside, practically throwing him down onto the sofa as my arms went weak.

"Sit. I think I know where the medical
draw is." I faced him as he groaned on the sofa, waiting for response if it was still in the same place.

"It's still in the same place." He confirmed, with a nod, a clear sign of struggle as he done so.

I opened the drawer, and grabbed a couple bandages and a cold towel before going to sit beside him. I lifted his arm up, and rested it on my thighs, before beginning to gently pat it down. He let out a painful groan every time I done it.

"You should really go to hospital. I can't do much." I sighed, removing the compress from his arm.

"I'll live." He replied, in a mutter.

"I hope so." I groaned back, irritated. "I don't know, maybe it's your karma." I smirked, giving a slight shrug, as I began to wrap it up.

I felt him lift in the seat, "what do you mean, 'my karma'?" He angrily huffed back.

"For you being such a dick recently, pissing way too many people off, including me." I stated, "oh, and whatever guy done that." I added, my smirk growing as my eyebrows raised at him.

I heard him let out a slight tut, as he pulled his arm away from me. "Prick." I muttered, making sure he heard, and pulling his arm back as I wasn't done yet.

"There." I said through a big sigh, releasing his arm. Me and rafe locked eyes for a moment as he began to speak, "Thank you." He seemed pretty genuine when he said it, which was a surprise.

"It's fine, I used to always have to bandage you up, remember?" I asked, raising a brow, chuckling slightly.

"I remember." He chuckled with me, but a little bit more than I was.

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