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Chapter name: selfish intentions

Tivelly should be getting off soon.

I zip my jacket up as I walk down the street, trying to at least make it to the halfway point of Tivellys walk so she doesn't have to walk the full path alone.

With every exhale the heat from my breath clouds up.

Why the fuck is it so cold.

"N- no no please! Please!" Painful cries catch my attention. I thin my lips, immediately worried it could be Tivelly.

I walk down the alleyway and my eyes widen as I see some dude on a blonde girl. My breath catches my throat as I realize the girl is MY girl.

Her cries echo off the walls as he desperately tries to catch her lips. She wings her head around, trying her best to get him from planting his lips on her.

"Why the hell are you on top of her?" I yank him off her in a hurry. I toss him to the wall, glancing at Tivellys still body.

My brows furrow as I realize he ripped her clothes, trying his best to assault her.

I glare in his eyes and he smirks at me. I swing at him, the sounds of my fists hitting him are the only thing I can head aside from Tives light whimpers.

Why does everyone have to hurt someone so perfect?

Is she a magnet to bad attention?

"Why?!" I yell at him, busting his nose open as he falls to the ground.

"She's too good for you." He tells me, laying on the ground as I kick him.

"If you come near her again I'll make sure you have a few broken bones to leave with." I threaten.

I walk towards Tivelly. She lays on the cold ground, her body slightly moving from her crying.

I take off my jacket, letting the cold air attack my skin as I place it on her. She tenses up as I snake my arm under her legs.

Her body is cold to the touch, making me fear that she could end up sick. I lift her up, noticing that she weighs less than last time. I thin my lips, my mind suddenly worried about her health.

There's a point where skinny gets too skinny and she's beyond that point.

I want to immediately ask her about this but I know I can't. I know I have to keep my mouth shut until she's ok.

I adjust her in my arms, making sure she's not about to fall as I stand in front of Leo's door.

Tivelly isn't heavy but there's a point in time where weightless things start to get heavy the longer you hold them. Safe to say my arms are burning in this moment.

"Stay awake for me Tive." I tell her as blood from her head dries on my arm. Her eyes are closed as she mumbles something.

I kick on the door, hoping someone will answer since I don't have three hands. "ITS KAID. LET ME IN!" I demand, kicking the door again.

The door suddenly opens with an irritated Aiden complaining about how I could've broken the door. I push past him and he immediately shuts up seeing the girl in my arms.

"What happened?" Case shuffles everyone off the couch so I can lay her down. I place her on the couch and gently lay her head down.

"This guy... he tried to hurt her." I mumble, studying the forming bruises she has.

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