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Tivelly POV

Chapter name: It comes together after it falls apart

With a blush forming on my cheeks, I place the covers over my face, my heart skipping beats.

He is going to think I'm weird now.

"Do you have anywhere to go once we release you? If you don't, then I'm afraid you will have to go into the foster system." A woman walks in with a suit and a binder in hand.

I stare at her, watching her movements as she comes towards me. Of course, I don't have anywhere to stay.

Well... Could I try Chloe? Maybe Leo? Would Kaiden let me stay?

One thing is for sure; I will not be getting sent back into the foster system.

"What about any biological family? Do you know any?" She continues with questions. I shake my head no, glaring at her.

Of course, I don't know my biological family: no extended family, nothing.

Let me take that back... I have informally met my siblings. And my mother too. But that doesn't mean they will take me in.

What about my biological father? Where is he? Does he even know I exist?

"Your birthday is in a few months from what I see on your record. If we can't place you with some family, we will have to send you into foster care. At least for the time being... do you have any friends you can stay with?" She looks concerned as she takes her pen out, flipping to a page in her binder.

I shrug my shoulders, waiting a moment before nodding, agreeing that I do have somewhere to stay.

I would have to make a few calls before anything... I don't know where my phone is.

Against my desire to stay silent, I grip my sheets, my voice trembling as I ask for a phone.

I sit in Kaiden's room on his bed, watching him pace. I spent a few days on that hospital bed, waiting to be released. During the phone call I took, I talked to Kaiden, asking if he would take me in until I turn eighteen or at least until I find someone else to take me.

Only an hour ago, I was released from the hospital, Kaiden, as promised, brought me to his house, and now here I am.

"He is taking forever. I'm getting worried." Kaiden looks down at his phone, waiting for Case or Grey to call. As soon as I got here, they set out to my house to get some clothes. I should've gone with them to get my stuff, but I don't think I can handle seeing that house.

He turns to me when he notices that I'm watching him. Of course, he would be worried that his two friends are going into a place under investigation.

"My mom and sister will be back soon... so if you're okay... do you want to meet them then?" He asks earnestly.

I look down at my arms; bruises and cuts still linger on my body. Green, yellow, and light brown are the colors that the bruises take over. I bring my hands up to my face, still refusing to look in the mirror as I try to imagine my face with my hands.

The swelling is gone now, but I can tell there's a multitude of bruises attempting to heal all over my face.

"I... I can meet them." I respond. I will be living in their house for a while, so I will have to meet them eventually. And, of course, thank them for letting me stay.

Kaiden bends down, caressing my cheek as he smiles at me. That's the face I want to kiss. I look down at his soft lips, parting mine in awe.

"C-can you k... kiss me...?" I ask, my face heating up from my question. He looks into my eyes, taken aback by my question for a moment before he looks relieved.

Without hesitation, his lips touch mine, like he's been yearning for it also. My hands go to his hair as he makes me kiss deeper.

His hands go to my hips, gripping them lightly as he swipes across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I part my lips, letting his tongue slide in.

He lays me on the bed as we continue our passionate kiss; a thousand thoughts run through my mind, but yet none at all. My head feels infatuated with his lips, with how good he kisses.

I feel like I'm melting into these sheets as his tongue explores my mouth, his hands moving up to my sides, gently resting on my body.

"Did we come at the wrong time?" A snarky voice stops our kiss, making me push Kaiden off me with embarrassment. I see Case leaning on the doorframe with a bag in hand.

My face goes tomato read as I cover it with my hands. Grey laughs at this action.

"You couldn't have knocked?" Kaiden asks, obviously as embarrassed as me. "We did. One." Grey smirks.

Case steps into the room, sending me a wave as he places the bag in front of me. "She just got out of the hospital. How are you going to go after her immediately." Grey teases.

My second kiss with Kaiden. Right after, I almost died. I don't want to be touched by anyone but Kaiden.

When nurses would try to touch me to move me or treat me at the hospital, I would always cringe back.

Their touch would burn my skin and make me want to cover up.

Whenever Kaiden touches me, I don't feel any of that; I feel happy; I feel at peace whenever he caressed my cheek, whenever he kissed me and touched my body.

"Anyways, we went around the police tape and grabbed a few shirts, shorts, underwear, bras, uh and the rest, I guess." Case tells me. My face heats up, realizing he had to go through my stuff.

"Dov'è la ragazza?" I hear a woman's voice speaking a language I don't understand. I straighten my back, realizing it's probably Kaiden's mom.

"We are in here!" Kaiden yells as Case plops down on the bed beside me.

I lean towards Kaiden, whispering in his ear, "You're Italian?"

"Italian and Colombian," Kaiden smirks. "Yeah, that's how he gets all the ladies." Case nudges Kaiden.

"Actually, before Tivelly... he hated girls. What the hell happened?" Grey asks.

Our attention gets ripped away from Grey and onto Kaiden's mom.

"You're so gorgeous." She says excitedly; she leans over the bed, grabbing my hands and squeezing them. Her hands wrapped around mine makes me feel uncomfortable as she smiles widely.

"I've been wondering why Kaiden has been so different lately. So much nicer. It's probably because of you. My name is Guilia." She looks similar to Kaiden, but her skin is fair, and she's much shorter.

"I... I'm... T-Tivelly." I feel uncomfortable with the attention on me; I feel weird with her touching my hands. The touch of people after what I've been through... it feels more like a nuisance.

She realizes the nervous expression on my face, and she releases my hands, straightening her back and brushing herself off.

"Although I am delighted to have you here, we do have some rules that need to be followed." Her thick Italian accent is almost hard to understand. I nod, waiting for the rules to be told.

She looks at all of the teenagers on Kaiden's bed, "You are a girl; you both are teenagers."

I can hear Case cracking up behind me. "So you can sleep in my oldest daughter's room; she is in Italy right now for college. And whenever you're in Kaiden's room, the door has to be open." She finishes.

"O... okay," I respond quietly.

Hey my loves, I'm so sorry that this is short and may seem a little rushed. I tried to find time to write this between work, but I couldn't, so I took some time and gathered up this chapter on my only off day. Don't worry; this book is not going on hold. I will work harder to get chapters out faster.

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