Here are the Korean alphabet,let's start by remembering Korean alphabet on your phone keyboard. If you remember this it would be easier to write or read hanguel.
ㅂ= B
ㅈ= J /CH
ㄷ= D,T/T,D
ㄱ= G,K/ K,G
ㅅ= S
ㅛ= YO
ㅕ= Yeo
ㅑ= YA
ㅐ= AE
ㅔ= E
ㅁ= M
ㄴ= N
ㅇ= NG
ㄹ= L / L,R
ㅎ= H
ㅗ= O
ㅓ= Eo
ㅏ= A
ㅣ= I
ㅋ= KH
ㅌ= TH
ㅊ= CH
ㅍ= P
ㅠ= YU
ㅜ= U
ㅡ= eu
Korean basic words,Hangul+Trans
De TodoUpdate about learning Korean language, I'm not a teacher or professional at Korean language but I will update about what I've learn