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Jinyoung was waiting inside his car anxiously. He didn't worry about people spotting him in the hospital nor being in public with you. But he was worry because you didn't show up even though your shift has ended almost half an hour ago. He decided to check up on you since you were usually punctual especially on weekdays like this. If it was weekend, he would be understanding if you were late since the ER would be packed on weekend. But on weekdays, you were rarely late. He walked through the hospital corridor easily as he was quite familiar with the building already. He knew his way around to reach the ER without being spotted by anyone. But he pulled his cap lower and made sure his mask covered his bottom half of his face to be sure. He stopped at the door and peeked through the transparent window on the door to look into the ER. He saw some commotion happened inside. Seeing that everyone else seemed occupied with the situation and no one paid attention to him, he decided to push the door a bit. He could hear whatever was happening inside better. He could see a man in black jacket, black ripped jeans and oversized T-shirt standing in the middle of the ER. Eyes red, probably because he was drinking before. His breathing was ragged as he frantically looked at everyone else surrounding him. He saw one person was talking to the man, walking a bit forward. It was you.

"Sir, please calm down. We're here to help you," he heard you say. "We just need you to lie down on the bed so we can check your vital sign."

The man didn't answer and just looked at his surrounding with his mad eyes and then his gaze fell upon you. "No!" his voice roared loudly. "You guys are trying to hurt me!" he shouted again, raising his arm and swung it around to prevent anyone from walking nearer.

"No sir, look!" you raised both your arms in the sky, revealing that you have nothing in your hand. "I don't have anything in my hand, and I'll take off my coat so you can see that I don't bring anything to harm you," you maintained the eye contact and started to peel your coat and handed it to one of the nurse behind you. Keeping your arms in the air, you slowly turned around so the man could see that you had nothing on you. "See? I don't have anything, so let me help you," you took a step forward cautiously and waited. Since the man didn't give any reaction, you stepped another step forward.

"NOO!!" that man suddenly shouted and you halted immediately.

"Okay, okay.. I'll stop," you said immediately, didn't want to spook the man. No one paid attention to Jinyoung that walked even closer to the group of nurses and doctors that surrounding the man. He poked one of the nurses' shoulder and whispered, "What's going on here?"

The nurse just glanced a bit before whispering back, "We don't know yet, whether he's just drunk or a psychiatric patient."

Jinyoung then focused his attention back to the two person at the very front, the so-called patient and you. He looked around and saw that there was only one security guard, which meant that you didn't think this situation was serious enough to call more help. He gritted his teeth, knowing that sometimes you thought that you could handle it yourself. He decided to leave to get more help just in case something worse happened. When he got back to the ER with two additional guards, the patient was wilder than before. He had grabbed the thin blanket from the bed and swinging it around to swat anyone that tried to get close to him. The others were pushed backward to maintain a safe distance.

"Look, we can't keep him making ruckus inthe ER. We have to defuse him," Jinyoung heard one of your colleague whispered rather loudly.

"But how? We can't even get close to him," you hissed back just as loud. Your colleague started to look around and spotted that there were 3 guards in the ER now.

"There are 3 guards here now, I bet we can trapped him all at once and then we can administer the tranquilizer afterward," he whispered again as you kept your gaze at the patient as it was important to maintain eye contact.

"Okay," you decided, "You coordinate the guards. Tell the nurse to load two syringe with tranquilizer, one for you and one for me." Your colleague retreated and started to coordinate with the guards and the nurse. One of the nurse hurriedly loaded one more syringe as she had prepared one already and handed them both to your collague. He slipped one syringe into your grip quietly before walking toward the other direction, completely opposite of your side. Jinyoung watched as your colleage who was standing outside the visual perimeter of the man raised his hand and gave signal to the guards to take their spots. After everyone had settled in their position, he raised his hand once more and started counting. When his fingers were all gone, the guards jumped forward at the same time, trapping the man and knocked him to the floor. But the man didn't stop. He kept moving, trying to jerk his arms and kick his legs. You and your colleagues rushed forward to inject the medicine, but before you could jab the syinge into his arm, he managed to free one of his arm and landed a punch on your face. Your colleague was stunned but you barked at him that made him snap back into reality and jabbed the syringe into his other arm and pushed the medicine. After a few minutes, the man was unconscious and the rest of the nurses started to work to lift the man to the bed and secure him tightly.

"Are you okay?" your colleague asked with concern and you just rubbed your jaw where the punch landed.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Contact pyschiatry and get his alcohol level tested. My shift has over so he's yours now," you said, turning around to see Jinyoung stood in front of you. Even though his face was covered, you could see him fuming from underneath the mask. You frantically looked around as you were afraid that someone might notice him now that the situation has been diffused. Since everyone was still seemed busy and didn't pay attention to both of you, you grabbed his hand immediately and dragged him to the doctors' lounge, which fortunately, was empty as well.

"What are you doing in the ER?" you scolded him immediately but he was the one fuming right now.

"Did that happen a lot?" he asked, completely ignoring your question.

"Not a lot, but we do get drunken patient sometimes, some psychiatric patient as well," you haven't finished your sentence when he interrupted you again.

"So, this isn't the first time you get hit?"

"Um.. No? This might be the first I got hit squarely in the face, but I do get hit sometimes, when the patient is not fully conscious, he might...," again, you barely even finished your sentence when he sighed. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? You're the one that got punched but you're asking me if I'm okay. Of course I'm not okay. You're my girlfriend and you got punched, but I can do anything about it."

Your expression soften and you pulled him to the bench, "Look, you don't have to worry about it. It doesn't happen that often, and there are security guards as well, so you don't have to worry. The patient also apologized when they realized they punch me the next day, so no harms made," you pulled him to face you and you repeated it once again, "It's okay, really."

He sighed again and pulled you into his hug, "You really made me feel helpless. I wish I can persuade you to stop working here, but you love the job too much, so can you please tell me if there's something that I can do for you?" he pulled back so you could see his helpless expression.

"Um, what about buying me ice cream? And maybe dinner. I didn't get the chance to eat dinner," you admitted and he agreed. A smile started to show on his face when you two walked to the parking lot, hand in hand.

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