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Press conference

After the surprise at the concert, you didn't see Bambam again until the press conference day. He was continuing his tour but he reminded you that he wanted to talk to you about something. You pretty much guessed what he wanted to talk about, but was not 100% sure about it. Those three weeks away from each other would give him enough time to rethink about the whole situation. Maybe he would realize that he was just infatuated due to the circumstances. Maybe he had a change of heart. After all, you were just a rookie and he was famous already. He could get any girls he wanted and you weren't exactly the most wanted girl in the industry. Yeah, you know your members have been telling you that it was all just your insecurity, but you couldn't stop the thoughts. You arrived at the venue and was about to go to the prep room when someone caught your wrist and pulled you away from your original destination and got pushed into an empty room. You were about to scream when that person turned you around and you got a good look at the person who did that, Bambam.

"Geez," you clutched your heart, "Are you going to give me a heart attack?" you barked at him.

He grinned, "I miss you too," was his reply and you rolled your eyes. He didn't need to know that his shy smile made your heart go sommersault in your rib cage. Oh, how you missed him as well.

"What?" you whispered as you saw his eyes studied your face, as if he wanted to memorize all of your features. He did nothing but stare at you and that small lift at the corner of his mouth proved that he was content just watching you there.

"Nothing. I just wish I can make the time stop," he shook his head. "Anyway, I don't have much time before they launched a search party for us, so," he looked up and stared at your eyes straight. "I think I'm falling for you and no, before you tried to come up with some reasons that I'm not, let me tell you, I tried to forget you. I questioned myself numerous times while we were apart, but the answer is still the same. I like you. I know you still have a dating ban and I don't mind about it. In fact, by now you should already guess that I'm an expert in sneaking around, or even better, I have the upper hand to ask them for another season. But, only if you have the same feeling for me. I don't want to force you to do something that you're not comfortable with. And please don't just answer yes just because I'm your senior. Answer me truly from your heart. Even if you say no, I'll accept it," he swallowed hard and you noticed the crease between his eyebrows. You tried to hide your smile as you saw him getting nervous when you kept silent.

Bambam's POV

Did she try to make me suffer from heart attack? Why didn't she say something? Was it one sided after all? I groaned in frustration and grabbed her hand, planning to make another speech about my feeling and made her change her mind when my fingers caught something. I lifted her hand and I saw it. She still wore the ring that I gave her back in Thailand.

"You still wear it," I stated the obvious and looked back at her, her eyes were filled with amusement. Did she seriously enjoy torturing me?

"Yeah," she said at last and tried to pull her hand but I held it tight.

"So??" I tried to fish some reaction for her but I got nothing.

"Can I ask you some questions before answering to your request?" she asked and I granted her request. "Oppa, when we were in Jeju, did you turn off the camera after I blew out the candle?" she paused to let me nod as my answer. "Why?" she continued.

"Well, we don't have to give them everything. I think it's enough footage for public consumption, but what happened after that was ours. I wanted to show you my sincerity with the gift. I wanted to give you something personally and not because it was recorded on camera."

"Is that the same reason for the 'husband does my makeup' as well?"

"Yeah, of course. Obviously I wanted to make you look pretty on camera, even though you're pretty all the time, if you're asking me. I didn't want to embarrass you if I did a bad job, so I tried my best to learn anything about makeup."

"What about the award situation? Will you do the same if it was other girl group?"

"Umm, yes and no. If they asked for my help then I might help them. But if they didn't, then I wouldn't go out of my way to help them. But since I care about you, I want you to feel comfortable and it's a good opportunity to smack that jerk's head. He should know that he shouldn't mess with my girl. You don't know how much I wanted to tell him to keep his hand off my girl," somehow I got riled up when I remembered it again. "Does that help you to answer my question?" I waited for her answer and finally a smile broke on her face. I could feel my heart beating hard against my rib cage as she leaned forward and tiptoed before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"I like you too," she breathed out and I crushed her in my hug.

"Oh gosh, can't you answer quicker next time? I don't think my heart is still in its place with all that waiting," I whined and she laughed. How sweet that sounded in my ears. I wished I could hear her laugh more often.

"So... Are you okay if I asked for another season of us?" I asked her and she nodded. She squealed when I scooped her and spun her around before putting her back on the ground and stole a quick kiss. I was about to kiss her again when the door was being knocked.

I groaned, "Ugh.. Why is it so damn hard to steal you? Come on, we have a conference press to attend and we have to impress them with your chemistry so they have to choice but to let us on another season," I winked at her and she laughed again. I was glad I didn't turn down the opportunity.

a/n: this series has come to its end.. i hope you guys enjoy it. anyway, i never say this, but you guys are welcomed if you want to send me requests. 

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