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You were walking through the front door, a cup of coffee in your hand as Christmas week hasn't passed yet. There were still few more days until Christmas, so you hoped there wouldn't be much trouble. But apparently, you weren't that good of a person that your wish wasn't being granted. One of your coworkers was running toward you and since you were the person in charge, you knew that trouble was on its way. You sighed and braced yourself to hear the bad news.

"We got bad news." You rolled your eyes, of course, you thought.

"What is it?"

"Thailand," he said.

"Thailand?" you stopped on your track as you remembered putting Bambam in charge for Thailand. Bambam had a good record during his years in this company and so far the kids loved him. You couldn't imagine that there would be problems on his duty.

"What happened?" you asked as you got into your office. Your coworker put the report on your desk and you opened it, your eyes scanned the report quickly. Your eyes darted to read the sentences in the report and your eyes widened in shock as you read certain part of the record.

"Are the numbers correct?" your voice raised higher than you intended when you read the number.

"Yep. That's why the higher ups didn't like it. You had to call him in. Or fly there."

You sighed and started to punch a number in your phone. Moments later, you headed to the jet that brought you to Thailand to see Bambam. Luckily, he had no schedule in the morning so you could see him for a bit before he went back to his duty.

"Hi, noona," he greeted you when he opened his door.

"Don't 'hi, noona' me," you grunted and he chuckled when he saw your sour face. He let you in and gave you a glass of water before sitting beside you on the couch.

"To what do I owe you this special visit?" he grinned.

"Budget report," you stated shortly. He frowned, didn't get why a budget report had to make you fly all the way to Thailand to see him.


"Well, why don't you tell me how you've been working so far?" you turned to face him after putting back your glass on the table. He started to tell you the usual story. He dressed up as Santa, took his usual spot in the shopping mall and listened to all the kids' wishes. He put tags on them and the team sent them their gifts if they were being a good kid. But they wouldn't get any if they were being bad. However, he started to notice something. Some kids went back to see him on the next day, clamining that they didn't get their wish on the first place.

"Wait a minute, that's not possible. We never alter the gift," you cut him. "We just put whatever they wished for and sent them."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking at first. But.. it's not just one kid that said that. There were around 5-6 kids saying the same stuff on the second day. And about the same amount on the third days," he said. Now it was your turn to frown as it was quite unusual to see mismatch in the gifts and wishes. Usually, if the wishes were abstract, like they wished their parents would get back together, or asking for a baby sister or baby brother, then the company would give the most popular gifts instead. But the company would get in contact with Fate.Corp to relay the wish and saw if it was possible to happen. But mismatching the gifts and wishes that many? Surely there were some sorts of error in the system.

"Okay, I'll check the system. So what did you do afterward?" you asked and there was a glint of mischief in his face when he continued his story.

"Of course I couldn't turn the kids down. I have to fulfill their wishes," he answered.

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