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"Wait, where's the ball?" you heard your superior asked at no one, but everyone on the set started searching for the ball that she was looking for and everyone couldn't find it. "Did we leave it in the car?" she asked again to no one in particular and no one could answer her question.

"Ugh... A, you go check the car," she ordered you and tossed you the car key and you grunted inside. The walk from the set to the parking lot was quite far, and there were several stairs as well. You dreaded of going there alone. Yeah, it wasn't dark right now, but it would be soon and you hated walking alone, especially with all the tall trees on the sides of the walking path.

"I can go with you, noona," you heard someone's offering to accompany you. Every heads were turned toward the source of the voice and you saw the blonde head, the owner of the voice, Bambam. You said nothing but looked back at your superior with, asking for permission silently.

"It's not my turn yet and I'm finished with my hair and makeup," he quickly added, knowing well that your superior would ask him about it. Your superior thought about it for awhile before letting him accompany you. You silently thanked him though you wondered why he offered to accompany you. He wasn't that brave of a person himself, but you said nothing as you were afraid that he would bail out and left you alone.

You two started walking side by side on the walking path toward the parking lot. Along the way, you were surprised to find out that you two could talk about lots of things. You knew that he was quite chatty. Aside from Jackson, he was the other bubbly person in the group so it was easy to get friendly with him. Even though you had to correct his Korean several times as he was still learning, he had improved a lot. And you admired his determination. He had to move to a foreign country by himself in such a young age but he persevered. And looked where it got him. It was cute seeing him getting all shy when you praised him. You wanted to pinch his cheeks for being such a cutie. He often said that he wasn't cute, when in fact, it was him that didn't realize that he was being cute without even trying. You were halfway toward the parking lot when your eyes fell on your shoes. No wonder you felt a bit uncomfortable while walking. Your shoelaces had come loose. You stopped and were about to reach down to tie it back, but Bambam was quicker than you. He quickly got down on his knees in front of you and tied your shoelaces back. But not before scolding you like he was older than you.

"A..you're so clumsy," he clucked his tongue while looking up at you, a glimpse of tease in his eyes making you blush at his remark. Wait a minute, where did this flirty side of him come from? Oh boy.

Bambam's POV

I heard some murmurs after my stylist was done with me. While waiting for the other hyungs to finish their hair and makeup, I walked aimlessly. That was when I overheard the crew fussing about missing a ball. The head of the crew made one of the assistant noona to go back to the car to fetch the missing ball. I swore I could see a bit discomfort on her face. Maybe she didn't like to walk alone to the parking lot? It was sure would be scary once it got dark, with all the tall trees along the way. Somehow I found myself opening my mouth before thinking, "I can go with you, noona."

Heads started to turn toward me, and I shrugged, "It's not my turn yet and I've finished with my hair and makeup."

There was no reason not to let me accompanying her so the head of the crew finally let me. We started walking and I could see that noona was grateful that I offered to accompany her. We started talking along the ways. I was surprised that we could talk much. She always avoided me on the set usually. Maybe because she always saw me as a little boy. But I couldn't stop myself from blushing when she praised me for being brave, living in a foreign country all by myself, at such a young age on top of that. Well, I had to admit that it was hard, but it was worth it. When I looked down, I saw that noona's shoelaces came loose. I hesitated, should I tell her? Should I just stop and tie it for her? But she was wearing a mini skirt. She might misunderstood if I suddenly dropped on my knees. She would think that I'm a pervert or something. I was still pondering on how to tell her about it when she noticed it herself. She forgot that she wore a mini skirt and was about to reach down but I was faster. I quickly stopped in front of her and got down on my knees and tied her shoelaces. The situation was a bit awkward, so I decided to tease her a bit.

"A... you're so clumsy," clucking my tongue while looking up at her, clearly teasing her about the loose shoelace. She was lucky she didn't fall because of it. But wait.. Did she just blush? Maybe she didn't see me as a little boy anymore.. 

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