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"Are you sure these are the right ingredients?" Yugyeom stared at a bunch of ingredients that Bambam put on the ground in front of them, lining them up so they could see everything.

"Yes, I'm sure," Bambam answered confidently, arms crossed in front of his chest. Yugyeom was not convinced. He kept checking his book and looked at the ingredients and ticked the one that he knew.

"Are you sure this is the pearl dust?" Yugyeom examined the stuff in front of them closely.

"Yes, I'm sure," Bambam started to roll his eyes at his best friend's obnoxious question. "Look, do you want my help or not?"

"I do, I do," Yugyeom quickly answered. "I just don't want to ruin it. I want to make sure that we got everything right."

"We did. So shut the hell up and make sure you show up tonight," Bambam put everything back into his bag and walked away. He had a different class after the lunch break so he went his separate way, while Yugyeom walked into his next class, the same one as you.

You and Yugyeom were in the same house, Hufflepuff. Since the first day of school, somehow you two stucked together. Well, you two were late for the first class together, so you two got the same detention. Hence, somehow it made you two closer quickly. You two were shy and introvert, but somehow Yugyeom managed to crack some jokes that made you laughing hard. You remembered both of you had difficulty in flying lesson for a different reason. You were clumsy while Yugyeom was too tall so he had difficulty balancing himself on the broom. He even joked that the wind could blow him away since he was so tall and skinny like a stick. You laughed so hard that almost made you fall from your broom. And you didn't want to mention Charm Class. Yugyeom were playing around with Bambam so much that Yugyeom made a mistake. Instead of producing fire to lit the candle, he lit Bambam's ass on fire instead. Even though Professor Flitwick managed to extinguish the fire quickly, but it wasn't quick enough as it has turned the class upside down. Everyone was laughing at the situation, even Bambam himself, who was then amused at how his red underwear was shown through the hole in his pants and robe. He was even proudly flashing his naked butt around. Anyway, aside from his crazy stunts that he often pulled with Bambam, Yugyeom was okay as a friend. Though your older brother was against it. He told you numerous times to stay away from Yugyeom. Yep, he was the arch-enemy of Yugyeom. Though you doubted that anyone in the entire school knew that you two were even related. You two weren't even in the same houses! He was in Ravenclaw, thanks to his brilliant mind, while you got Hufflepuff. He was good looking, smart and athletic while you were ordinary, clumsy and basically just average. Luckily your brother agreed to your request, not to tell anyone that you two were siblings inside the school. The professors were kind enough not to compare you both, so you were grateful for that.

"Hey! Wait up!" you heard Yugyeom calling your name and running toward you. He was still adjusting his breath when you asked him.

"What's wrong? We're not late for class, aren't we?" you asked in panic, worried that you might miss something in your schedule.

"No," he was still panting hard. "I just want to ask you, are you watching the game later?"

"Oh, yeah, obviously," you couldn't say that you watched the game because your brother played for the opposite house, "Aren't you?"

"I am. Then I'll save a seat for you. See you later then," Yugyeom then waved goodbye before going to the Herbology class while you went to Astronomy.

"Are sure this is right?" Yugyeom asked, lifting the bottle in front of his face, studying the pinkish red liquid inside of it.

"Of course, boi. Don't you trust me?" Bambam was annoyed that his best friend doubted his ability.

"I do, it's just.. I think it'll be more pink," Yugyeom said, commenting how the liquid leaned toward red instead of pure pink.

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