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One more day, you told yourself. Today was Christmas Eve. Tomorrow, you'll be free from everything. You were on your way to Yugyeom, who was stationed in Germany. It was a long way from LA and the weather was not cooperating. You arrived way too late from your original plan. You were hoping you could still catch Yugyeom while he was on duty, but apparently not. You arrived at the shopping mall only to find that the Santa booth has closed for the day. Even the shopping mall was about to close. You forgot that shopping malls in Europe didn't open as long as the ones in Asia. You called Yugyeom several times but he didn't pick up. He wasn't in his hotel either. You started to worry about him. Where did the boy go? He had no family in this city, hell, he couldn't even speak the language. You tried him on his cellphone once again, luckily, this time he picked up his phone.

"Yugyeom!" you immediately shouted as you heard loud music on the background. "Where the hell are you?"

"Noonaa??" you heard him slurring. Was he drunk?

"Where are you?" you shouted again.

"I'm in a club. I've finished already," he replied, sounded barely coherent.

"What's the name of the club? I'm coming to get you," you pestered. The last thing that you needed was he got into some kind of trouble because he was drunk. On his last day of work. Miles away from home. Unfortunately, he was too drunk to reply and he disconnected the call. You hurriedly called the headquarter and ordered them to find Yugyeom's location from his GPS. Within minutes, you got his location and headed there to see what kind of trouble he got himself into. Or prevented him from getting into one.

You braced yourself. You had the feeling that Yugyeom would get into trouble and you were right. He was going to. Even though it wasn't at work, but still... You walked into the club, not really ready for what was about to happen in front of your eyes. Yugyeom really outdid himself. You saw him dancing on the dance floor, still in his Santa costume. Of course he would be great at dancing, he was a dancing machine afterall. You could see a lot of girls cheering him up and that made him even hyped up and danced some more. He was still dancing when you approached him and you could see his two top buttons were unbuttoned. You tugged his sleeve and he turned around to face you.

"OOhhhh.. Noonnaaaa..," he was definitely drunk as he dared to place his arm over your shoulder. You grabbed his collar and dragged him away, but you forgot that he was a man. He was clearly stronger than you so you couldn't even move a bit.

"Come on, Yugyeom!" you hissed. You tried to pull him again but now you were the one getting pulled while he was still vibing to the music. Next thing that happened was he spun you around and took your hand and started dancing with you, or trying to make you dance. The crowd was cheering now that you came into the scene. At some point, you managed to drag Yugyeom toward the bar and almost reached the stool when suddenly Yugyeom made a quick move and dragged one of the stool toward the dance floor and then pushed you so you sat on the stool. You were about to stand up again when Yugyeom suddenly gave you a lap dance! Making the crowd cheering even louder while you felt your cheek burnt from embarassment. You were lost of words, you froze at your spot while Yugyeom got even braver due to the crowd cheering him. Inhaling a deep breath, you gathered yourself and stood up, before channeling your energy and pulled Yugyeom's collar when he bent his knee so his collar was on the same eye level as yours. You managed to dragged him away from the dance floor and you were about to reach the door when he whined.

"Noonaaa.. But my work is over now.. Can't I have some fun?"

You said nothing and kept dragging him until you reached the door and passed it through before releasing his collar.

"Noonnaaa!!" he whined and you turned around quickly, shooting daggers at him.

"Geez! Can't you at least change your clothes first before heading to the club? They thought you were a stripper! With your santa clothes and you gave me lap dance, what were you thinking?" you couldn't hold it any longer and blurted it out. He was stunned watching you fuming at him. Well, this was the first time you were this angry at him. You said nothing once you saw Yugyeom understood what you were saying and signalled him to follow you back to the company car and then headed to the airport.

"You're going back with me to the headquarter. I can't risk you making another problems. You're finished here, anyway," you said, softer now as you have calmed down. Yugyeom said nothing and just nodded.

Once you got back to the office, he crashed on your couch and dozed off within minutes. You sighed and draped a blanket over him so he didn't get cold before you rested on the other couch. You didn't have the strength to drive back home, so you just kicked off your shoes and lay on the other couch as well, dozing off following Yugyeom minutes later. Exhaustion was catching up with you and you didn't feel anything until someone shook your shoulder. You squinted and you could see it was bright in your office now. Was it morning already? You sat down and realization hit you. You were still in your office, sleeping on the couch while Yugyeom was still sleeping on the other couch. When you turned your head, you saw five faces, arms crossing in front of their chests respectively as they raised their eyebrows at you.

"I thought we're going on a date today. Why were you sleeping in your office anyway?" Jaebeom didn't bother to wait until you gathered your soul.

"Wait, she didn't say anything about any date. I thought we're going to Disneyland. I promised to be your guide, remember?" Now it was Jackson, interrupting him. You swallowed hard. Oh boy, this could turn ugly as you saw Jaebeom's face getting harder. But before you got the chance to interrupt them, someone else opened their mouth.

"Was it Jaebeom hyung that asked you on a date first when I asked you out, noona?" now it was Bambam that was asking you.

"Is our dinner plan still on the table or not? Considering you had two other people lined up for a date before me," Jinyoung frowned.

"So... Jaebeom hyung asked you first, and then Bambam and then Jinyoung hyung for dinner? Well, I guess we won't be watching live band then," Youngjae seemed defeated when he heard the others that spoke before him.

"Well, luckily I only ask you for a coffee, and here's one for you. I bet you'd need it now," Mark handed you a cup of coffee that you received gratefully. "Though I was hoping it was just the two of us over coffee, without you thinking how to sort this mess," he waved toward the other five that was waiting for your answer. You drank the coffee to distract yourself and avoided giving an answer, not caring that the coffee was still scalding when Yugyeom woke up, stretching as he sat down. His eyes opened wide when he saw all of his hyungs were in front of him.

"Wait, am I in trouble?" he asked automatically, thinking that the hyungs were in your office because of him. And before you got the chance to stop him, he started blurting out, "Look hyung, I was finished already when I headed to the club. I only drank a few glasses and then I started dancing when people cheering me up so I got hyped up and started to dance even more," he gulped. "And then noona showed up and it was a bit blur, but I remember," now his face turned into horror, "Oh no... I gave noona a lap dance and people cheered even more before noona finally managed to drag me out of the club." By the end of his story, his hyungs, even Bambam, took turn smacking the back of his head. "Owww," he protested. "What did I do now?" Poor Yugyeom, he only received glares from his hyungs for his question while you could feel your face red from embarassment.

"Really? You went clubbing without changing your uniform?" Jaebeom asked, glaring at the maknae.

"And you made her go all the way to fetch you?" Jackson shook his head, clearly showing his disapproval toward the maknae's behaviour.

"Well, we always think that he would get into trouble among us," Jinyoung stated the obvious.

"Seriously dude? You gave noona lap dance? Damn..," now Bambam looked annoyed at his other half, while Youngjae and Mark just shook their heads and kept silent. At the end, Mark handed another cup of coffee to Yugyeom.

"Now, I wish I didn't buy you one," he shook his head to express his disappointment on his junior.

"Well, on the bright side, you don't need to count Yugyeom," Youngjae stated, turning to face you. "So, who will you pick to go on a date today?" He said calmly, waiting for your reply while you wanted to run away, now that you had other five pairs of eyes looking at you, all waiting for your answer. You drank your coffee while thinking hard, trying not to hurt anyone's feeling before taking a deep breath, "Okay.. I'll choose..."

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