Colin's POV
Freshman in college. I never thought I'd be a freshman ever again. Guess I was wrong. I bring the rest of my stuff into the fraternity house. How in the hell did I, a kind of obvious twink, get into a frat? Well, technically, I'm still a pledge so, not totally in yet but basically in. These boys probably got tired of Top Ramen, so they got a culinary major in the house. Thats what I think anyway, or they just liked my charming and flirty personality. Literally kidding, kind of, guess I'm just straight passing and athletic looking enough. How did I get here, literally applied and somehow these guys liked me, a bunch of meatheads liking a slightly built twink, sounds like every gay porn ever, and thats pure comedy to me. I bring the last of my shit to my room, I guess all the guys are in their rooms or out with girls. Hm, can't relate. I start unpacking, putting things on shelves and in drawers and whatnot. I text my mom and dad about everything how I'm safe cause they worry. Then I hear guys just making noises, as they do, downstairs. I mumble "glad I brought Excedrin cause I'm gonna have a four year long headache" jokingly. I hear a "I thought the pledge was gonna be here before us?" I guess thats my cue. I brace myself for whatever I'm about to endure then I go downstairs. I lean against the wall just outside of their big group, waiting for me to notice them, and they surprisingly don't, so I go upstairs after a few minutes. I chuckle quietly then no more than twenty minutes later there's loud bass coming from downstairs. Now, I'm curious. I go downstairs and there are people everywhere with drinks in their hands and grinding on each other. First night here, there's a party, how lovely. I can't decide if that was sarcastic or not. I look around and a girl thats clearly older than me, not in a bad way though, touches my shoulder saying "you're new aren't you?" I say "a bit, yeah, party first night here, and I wasn't even invited" chuckling making her giggle lightly and she says "with these parties you gotta just say you were invited and if most people on campus don't hate you, they'll let you in" as she casually dances to the bass. I stand a bit closer to her saying "doesn't seem so hard" and she says "mmm, true" and she just gives me a look and oh, what the hell, why not? She kisses me and I hear a few "how the hell did he land Claire?" I move my hand to her hair but making sure it doesn't seem like I'm pushing this to the next level. My gay flag hanging up on the back wall of my closet that is in fact showing would give it away. I just needed somewhere to put it and I didn't want to fold it, it looks kind of like a hidden shrine to the gay lords which is quite funny. I just kiss her, trying not to seem too uninterested, and she says "sorry, I couldn't help myself, I have a thing for guys like you" subtly wiping her bottom lip then biting her lip. I say "guys like me?" She says "the innocent looking ones that seem to know what their doing at the same time" and that does sound like me. I say "I'll see you around" smirking and I turn around, going to the kitchen, and a guy comes to ask me "how the hell did you do that?" I say "do what?" He says "kiss Claire?! She doesn't kiss like anyone, she's a bit of a prude" and I say "she kissed me, no idea, man" and I get a drink that I watched a guy make so I didn't get roofied on my first day, that would be sucky if you ask me. I bite my lip and look around and at about midnight, people start leaving, and one of the guys come up to me saying "so you're the new one, huh?" I nod and he says "you're cute" checking me out and I bite my lip saying "you're so hot" and he says "I'm Jake" with a slight southern accent, shaking my hand as I say "Colin" and he says "welcome to the house" checking me out. I quietly say "if you want a piece of me, all you gotta do is ask" biting my lip and I say "who do I have to tell? I'm new" looking up slightly at him and basically everyone but the guys are gone. He kisses me softly like he's the 'I'll fuck you then bring you to dinner' type rather than the other way around. I do not mind this though. A couple of the guys whistle and I hear a few "let me join." I bite my lip and the guy takes me to his room that smells like cheap cologne but I'm not complaining and its been repainted to be navy blue with a dark grey accent wall. He mumbles "they weren't joking" biting my lip and I moan quietly and he says "about there being more than just me" quietly and I mumble "uh, this isn't hazing, right?" He chuckles saying "no" quietly and I say "I never refuse more than one, more the merrier" against his lips and he kisses me softly and he pulls my shirt up slowly. I grip his shirt, pushing his hat off his head so I can thread my fingers through his hair. He mumbles "let me go get them" kissing me softly and slowly then pulling away before I could think all at the same time. Fast, slow, and sexy. He comes back with three other guys, god, I'm so fucked. Figuratively and literally. Eh, its a weekend, I have another day to whine about my ass hurting. Another one of them come over to me, his pupils a little blown already as he just stares at me mumbling "god, we haven't had someone gorgeous like you come in in a few years now." He puts his hand under my chin, kissing me hard and slow making me moan quietly, him smirking.

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