Colin's POV
Conner says "guess what I'm here for" and I say "just by looking at you, you are here on scholarship from basketball, am I right so far?" Conner says "he's good, yeah" and I say "full ride, you aren't biology smart, are you?" He says "no, I was the worst at biology, barely passed that one" and I say "but science is your thing" and he says "somewhat" nodding and I say "you're a physics guy" and Conner says "you're good" and I chuckle saying "seriously?" He says "yeah, full ride for basketball but you can't just play basketball, so I'm here majoring in physics and minoring in mathematical sciences, I'm more of a math guy but science is also there for me." I say "I'm not gonna believe it till I see it" and he says "rude" chuckling and I say "I just don't see it but I believe you" chuckling. I say "what about you, yee haw boy?" We all laugh and Jake says "that's a new one, mechanical engineer, minoring in electrical engineering." I say "we're you all good at math or something?" Isaiah says "now way, I'm not here for that" and I say "what are you in for?" We chuckle and he says "sports medicine and minoring in kinesiology" and I say "kinesiology?" He says "the study of the way the body moves" and I say "fancy things" yawning and Conner says "what about you?" I say "majoring in culinary and minoring in business and pastry" and Conner says "that sounds like a lot of school" and I say "says you, physics major." He says "yeah, I'm gonna be here for awhile" chuckling and I say "I am going to bed" and Conner says "aww, I had fun" biting his lip. I blush and I leave the room, going to mine. I go to bed and fall asleep immediately.
The next day
I wake up and I stretch mumbling "my ass hurts" and I quickly shower and I get dressed then I go downstairs. I see all the guys I did not meet last night just at the table, drinking coffee, and talking about random bullshit it seems like. I snoop the kitchen saying "do you guys eat anything other than granola bars, ramen, and pop tarts?" One of the guys say "no, how are you walking?" I say "I have my ways" blushing lightly and I say "but seriously, how do you guys make it through the day on only food made by the school like year round?" One of the guys say "you sound like my grandma when I come home for Christmas break. You look so skinny, have you been eating, miho? Yes, grandma, only ramen and protein shakes" and we laugh. I say "we should stock the fridge at some point" and one of the guys say "and who here knows how to cook?" I say "me?" Conner says "stop grilling the boy, Daniel, he's a culinary major, he knows his shit" and Daniel says "sorry, I doubt him, I don't know him" rolling his eyes. I chuckle and Conner says "there's this thing called being personable." Daniel says "the last guy ruined being nice to the new guys, it's not you" making eye contact with me. Conner rests his hand on my lower back mumbling "he's a softie, he'll come around" and I say "I know, I can see" quietly then winking at him. I hear a loud groan and a slight yell from someone and he says "Isaiah, your hair looks fine, I'm sure, I gotta pee" groaning and Brody comes running down the stairs with clothes and deodorant in his hand. Conner says "the queens awake, all hail" and Brody says "shut up, I will kill you" then shuts the bathroom door. I chuckle saying "every morning?" Conner nods, chuckling, and Conner says "just every weekend, big boys gone before Isaiah even thinks about waking up during the week." Brody runs out of the house saying "never skip leg day" and I'm assuming, goes for a run. Conner says "everyday is leg day for him then he works out after then he cleans out the cupboards." I chuckle saying "I mean, sounds efficient I guess" and a couple of the guys chuckle. One of the guys says "I'm hungry, we should go shopping so this guy can make us food." Conner says "I'm starving" and Isaiah comes downstairs saying "I'm starving too" and the hall look at each other saying "bacon." I laugh saying "it is nine, I could make eggs, bacon, and toast or pancakes or something of the sort?" Conner says "you are my favorite person right now" and I say "I'll make a list" grabbing a piece of paper and a pen writing down things like stuff for pancakes. Bacon, eggs, bread, butter, and some other stuff that a fridge needs that I know these boys will eat. A few cabinet things you don't really think about buying like baking powder, oregano, and stuff like that. I do the math for about how much it'll all cost and I decide it by ten cause that's how many guys are in the house and I say "is everyone willing to give up fifteen bucks?" Conner says "in the name of food" and I go upstairs to grab money and they all do the same and Conner says "I've got Brody" handing me thirty and I put it all in an envelope saying "alright. This will be the food envelope, I can make something once a week because we're broke college students and we can restock as needed, any objections?" They all shake their heads and I say "awesome" and Conner says "I can go get the stuff, you befriend people" patting my shoulder and leaving. I say "do you all hate me or something?" Daniel says "no, we didn't pick you though, leader of the house is supposed to ask us all our opinion and make the right decision for all of us. To be honest, we all picked someone else that we really liked but he's supposed to decide for us so I guess in more ways than one, you were better, he's always right, way more than us anyway." I say "who's the leader? You talk about him like he's some ominous being" and Isaiah says "oh he is, like a cult leader, kidding, he hates being called the leader cause it's more of a democratic environment around here except when he picked you. We didn't have a choice in that one. He just kind of knew I guess and we just have to trust him."

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