Colin's POV
I take my coat off saying "my feet hurt so bad" and Madi says "me too, I'm sweating, this is how it feels everyday." I call Conner and he says "hey" and I say "hey, I need you to go to the kitchen" and he says "why?" I say "I'll have Lia come over tonight if you just go" and he says "I'm not hating on you but I want pizza" and I say "I am capable of making phone calls. I got pizza for free once cause the guy thought I was hot." He laughs saying "I love you so much, should I invite her over?" I say "I don't care, I can if you want" and he says "I'm a man, I can do it" and I chuckle saying "alright." He says "ok, any words of wisdom?" I say "just ask her, she has nothing to do tonight, tell her were ordering pizza, nothing fancy, come chill." He says "alright, bye" and I say "bye" chuckling and we hang up and Madi says "Conners so weird, I love the guy though, I'll see you tomorrow." I say "definitely" smiling and I go to the house and I get a phone call from Lia and I say "Conner, what did you do?!" He says "I didn't do anything!" I answer saying "what did he do?" Lia says "nothing, just making sure I'm not getting jumped by a bunch of guys, I'm emotional right now" and I say "time?" She says "yeah, so I'm really getting free pizza?" I say "yeah" and she says "I bought the stuff for chocolate mousse, can you make me some if I bring it over?" I say "yeah, I'll make it, come over, we'll order, and it'll be a good time. Have you taken anything?" She says "Tylenol and iron cause only the hot ones are deficient and I'm starting to feel better but I just want chocolate and pizza" and I chuckle saying "get your ass over here then." She says "ok, I'm not putting jeans on, so its just sweats and a crop top even though I'm slightly bloated, I still look cute though." I quietly say "they don't care, they think you're hot no matter what, most guys can't tell when you're bloated" and she says "omg, oversized cardigan, I look cute, ok, I'm coming" chuckling. She says "I'll be there in a few minutes" and I say "I'll start getting my shit out then" and Lia says "bye" and I say "bye" smiling. She hangs up and I start getting bowls out to make chocolate mousse and I say "very good, very good, the chocolate mousse for Lia. The things I do for her" in French and Conner says "what are you doing?" I say "waiting for and on your lady" and Lia comes right in the house saying "boys" and brings me the bag of stuff I need for chocolate mousse. She says "I love you" kissing my cheek and goes in to talk to the boys and I say "hey, do you need anything?" She says "you wanna make me coffee?" I say "yeah, what you normally have me make?" She says "I'm a fancy lady, Colin, yes" and I say "I know, I assumed but I still have to ask." Lia says "thank you" as I make a cappuccino cause my friends a fancy lady and she knows I enjoy making things for her. She says "I love that you can do both" and I bring her her drink saying "what's that supposed to mean?" I chuckle and she says "that you could make me a really good steak then make me chocolate mousse after." I chuckle saying "thanks?" She says "no problem, party girl" and I say "not again" going to the kitchen and mixing my melted chocolate and eggs and I say "the chocolate, very good" in French. Lia says "whenever you're making something with french routes, you speak in really bad french." I say "bah, I say, bah!" Bah is basically saying 'bullshit' in french. Lia giggles saying "I hate you so much" and I say "I'm on the phone" calling a pizza place and I say "how much pizza do we want?" Brody says "like ten, I want leftovers" and we chuckle and I talk to this bored sounding teen as I fold the meringue into the chocolate mixture and the whipping cream mixture. She says "that'll be twenty minutes" and I say "alright" and we hang up and I say "alright, its going in the fridge" yawning and I make whipped cream with the rest of the whipping cream and I put that in the fridge too. I go into the living room and lay on the floor and I say "ok, who's paying?" We chuckle and Conner says "your cute face is paying and if it doesn't work, Brody will pay" and Brody says "the payers of the house are gonna pay for it. They started putting money into the account for better food around here" stretching. I say "thats good" us chuckling and the doorbell rings and Lia says "lets see if you've still got it" slapping my ass as I walk by. I chuckle and I immediately check the guy out saying "hey" and he nods saying "sup" handing me a bunch of pizzas and I hand them off to Brody, who's giving me a look. He's very possessive over someone he's barely made a move on. I'm gonna talk to him later and I check the guy out saying "how much?" I put my hand under my shirt, hand on my hip, and I give him a bit of a look then he says "you're cute. You're trying to get this free aren't you?" I say "if you're my age, you don't really care about this job" and he says "babe, you got me there" looking into my eyes and then says "I'll make a deal with you, if I get a good tip, it can be on the house." I say "business man, are we?" I pull thirty bucks out of my pocket saying "hows this?" He says "that's the best tip I've ever gotten from a college student" and I say "guess you've never tried bottoming before" and he says "I'm not that experimental, stick to what you know" smirking. I say "see you around?" He leaves saying "yeah" smirking and I shut the door saying "this much pizza turned into thirty bucks for a tip. Sounds good to me" and we all chuckle and I say "I think this is called, I still got it" us laughing. 

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