Colin's POV
Its starting to get dark and everyone separates and goes to their rooms but Brody goes out behind the house. I go and sit on the back deck with him and he says "hey." I say "hey" and he smiles saying "what's up?" I say "nothing much, you?" He says "just thinking" quietly and I say "about what?" He says "you, can I be honest with you?" I blush saying "sure" looking at him and he says "one, I'm sorry about last night, they can be a bit rough sometimes." I say "that's ok, I don't mind" biting my lip and Brody says "and two, I was right about you" biting his lip. I say "what do you mean?" He says "I was the only one that said that you were the good idea between two people. They all said this other guy but I did my research, the other guy was not a good person and would've cost the house our reputation. Not a good guy at all and I get the final say being the head of the house, so I put you in with the school instead of the other guy and not telling them any of it until a few days ago. I guess that wasn't fair to you to have so much riding on your shoulders unknowingly and I'm sorry about that but you were the breath of fresh air the house needed and I felt like you could take it if they didn't like you at first. I just thought I should tell you that and that you are the best person I've ever picked for this house that I've been in charge of for the past two years." I quietly say "oh stop" and he says "you are though, they're coming around quicker than I thought they would. They love you" chuckling. So, he's the man of the house. I say "two years? You a junior or senior or are you just old as fuck in a twenty year old body?" We laugh and he says "junior, the person that was the head when I was a freshman got kicked out because he was doing steroids and was playing football and he put me in charge. Since then, for some reason, we never let freshman in until now" and I say "you anti freshman or something?" We chuckle and he says "some of them are annoying but there are a couple good eggs in there" winking at me and he says "well your first day is pretty much over, what do you think?" I say "I think I'm gonna stay if y'all let me" and he says "I'll fight for you to stay unless you break a rule." I bite my lip saying "lets see how much I can push it before you kick me out then" smirking and staring at his lips. I really like this guy and Brody says "depends how much you make me like you" doing the same thing to me. I smirk mumbling "I'm not gonna cause trouble unless you want me to" and he mumbles "you're bad" smirking. I bite my lip saying "what are you in here for?" He says "psychology major and minor in sociology and I also play football" and I say "that was one of my guesses" smirking. He says "what are the rest of them?" I say "Lia and I were talking and I said psychology, english, history, or some kind of art and writing major. Then she gasped saying what if he's a film major" and we chuckle. He says "I would not be in this house if I was a film major, you're like the only person that's been what I would consider an art major in awhile. The organization prides themselves on their smart people, they like the people with the double majors, their science degrees, math and engineering degrees, but you had extremely good grades and with you, they don't have to pay for a chef cause they think we aren't eating well enough for all the sports we play." I chuckle saying "you should get them paying for the food" and Brody says "I sent them an email a little bit ago, they will be." I bite my lip saying "you're really into the business side of this place aren't you?" He says "part of my job, ya know?" I quietly say "there's something about you that I just can't stop thinking about." He looks at me saying "like what?" I say "I don't know but since last night, I can't get you out of my head" and he quietly says "I can't stop thinking about you" and I look at his lips and he licks his lip slowly and I lean in a bit. Brody just leans over slowly and kisses me softly and I pull away a little bit and I straddle his thighs, kissing him, adding a bit more pressure. He mumbles "mmm, you're good at this" and I smile, looking at him, then going back to kissing him. He holds me to him tightly as he kisses me and he pulls away slightly. He mumbles "I don't think we should take this anywhere tonight" and I mumble "mmm, ok" kissing him softly and we both go to bed. I mumble "mmm, I thought that would go further, guess not, he's responsible or thinks of others." I don't need my ass to hurt on my first day of school cause I know he would do that to me. I take my clothes off and lay down in my bed then I grab a bottle of water off my bedside table, sipping some of the water. I'm so tired but I can't stop thinking about him. I open my phone and I text Lia  saying:
Me: did he text you?
Lia: yeah, were still texting, he's so hot, I'm about to sell my soul to him
Me: lol shut up, it's too early for that in the relationship
Lia: whatever, you want the same thing for your boy
Me: I do but I'm not going to lol

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