Colin's POV
I come back to the house after school a little later than usual and there's bass beating from the house, girls in bikini tops and jean shorts and the highest heels going into the house, signaling a party. I yawn and I take my jacket off, go up to my room without talking to anyone, and I change just embracing the party. I go back downstairs and I go outside and everyones in the yard around the keg and Brody is manning the keg. I chuckle, shaking my head, and I stand on the back deck just watching the boys get down with other girls and whatnot. Madi walks through dressed like all the other girls around here and says "I haven't seen that man in years it feels like" gesturing to Brody. She says "I always forget how hot he is" and I chuckle saying "he works out like everyday, of course he's like cliche hot" and we laugh. Madi says "really?" I say "five days a week, runs for seven" and she says "wow" and I nod and he passes the keg thing over to Conner and Brody says "hey" kissing my cheek then nodding at Madi, taking his shirt off as he goes into the house. I bite my lip and she says "damnit, I was about to call dibs on him" and I chuckle saying "I did when I got here." We laugh and she says "stop it" rolling her eyes and then Isaiah comes out saying "who let Conner man the keg, he's farthest from any bathroom in this house. If he drinks while doing it then throws up, were smelling it for a week" groaning and going over and kicking Conner out making me chuckle. Lia comes out and stands on my other side saying "this is nuts" and I say "I know, I wasn't even notified of this party, who started it?" Madi says "Conner told me" and Lia says "he talks a lot, I'm sure he did" and we chuckle and I say "I just came home thinking about making dinner and now, here I am." Brody comes back out saying "ladies" then looks at me saying "can I talk to you for a second?" I say "define talk" and he rolls his eyes making me laugh and he just grabs my hand, pulling me inside. He says "can I get you a drink?" Brody leans down against my ear so I can hear him and I reply with "depends on the drink" and he says "hard seltzer, beer, nothing mixed or hard liquor." We chuckle and I say "I'll take what you're getting" and he pulls me through the crowd of people somewhat carefully. He pulls me close saying "cheers" hitting our cans together making me chuckle at his weirdness. I say "what did you want to talk to me about?" He says "I have a secret" and I say "what is that?" Brody says "I just wanted to see you" winking at me and I chuckle saying "trying to get me alone, baby?" He says "maybe that too" leaning toward my lips a little bit as he smirks making me smile, shaking my head. I say "well, you could've just said that" wrapping my arms around his neck and Brody says "yeah but thats the boring way" and I chuckle saying "you just can't do it the easy way can you?" He says "but then I would be called easy" and I chuckle saying "not how it works but yeah, I guess" and he says "I'm just messing with you" against my neck and smiling. I say "better be, I'm too tired if you were serious" and we chuckle and he kisses my cheek saying "me too, I'd walk away even though I started it." We laugh and Brody says "I'm so tired, we had like two tests today" and I say "I'm just tired, I'm standing like every day all day in a hot kitchen. No idea how I'm still awake" and we laugh and Brody says "then we talked to each other like doing therapy on each other. I think I over did it, too much human interaction, I could just go to bed and not wake up for like a few days at the very least." I chuckle saying "then you plan something like this?" He says "nah, this was Conner, I'm normally not the one with party ideas" as we sip our drinks. I say "are you sure?" We chuckle and he says "yeah, I'm sure, not always a party guy" and I say "me too" chuckling. He says "you're something else" biting his lip then he says "how was your day?" I say "good, Madi and I were chilling and we had fun today but same as yesterday more pasta. Nonetheless, it was fun" chuckling. He says "so, you just boil water and throw pasta in all day?" I say "homemade pasta, you dweeb" chuckling and he says "how do you do that?" I say "flour, eggs, and a couple other things, make a well in the flour then you put the eggs and whatnot in there then you whisk then kneed until combined. I'll show you at some point. It's not that hard to do, one of those things that people think is impossible even though its pretty entry level. Kind of like brownies" and we chuckle and he says "I'm always hearing brownies are hard to make" and I say "they're so easy" chuckling. He chuckles saying "ok, I actually had to talk to you about something" winking at me and bringing me out front of the house where the least amount of people are. I say "what are you doing now?" He holds my hand saying "you'll see" as we walk out of the house, Brody shutting the door behind us. I lean against the door, him standing in front of me, and he says "I just wanted to tell you that, I really like you, and maybe we could go out sometime?" I smile, biting my lip, and I say "yeah, uh, sure" and he leans in slowly, kissing me, and he says "tomorrow night?" I say "yeah" quietly against his lips.

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