Colin's POV
I say "but who is this 'leader?' If it's you I'm leaving" and Isaiah says "ouch, it's not me, I would kill me if I was" and we laugh. Daniel says "you'd be a trash ass leader, Isaiah" and we chuckle. Daniel says "the house would never be clean with him being leader" and we chuckle. Isaiah says "is it ever clean though?" A few minutes later Conner comes back with seven grocery bags and I say "thank you, who's hungry?" They all groan saying "me" and I say "alright alright." I start making batter for pancakes and preheating the oven for bacon. Brody eventually comes back saying "if you want the house clean, clean it" taking the trash out then he comes back saying "ok, who learned to cook while I was gone?" I chuckle saying "not while you were gone" and Brody says "I knew it would be you" coming up behind me. He quietly says "you feeling ok?" I say "yeah" and he mumbles "good, what are you making?" Guys really don't know boundaries but I'm not complaining. He stands right next to me, his hand on my lower back like Conner was earlier. It's cute and I like it, therefore, no cares here. I say "pancakes, bacon, eggs" as I point at each thing. He says "I am starving" and I say "I've been hearing all these other guys whine about their starvation for the past twenty minutes." He chuckles saying "whoops, my bad" and Daniel says "Conner you're nuts, how do you think he's a junior?" Conner says "I'm just guessing" looking at me and Brody mumbles "I didn't bother telling them that you're a freshie. I think it'll freak them out a bit, give it a bit before you tell them if you want." I nod and Daniel says "I think sophomore, a freshman hasn't been let in this house in years as one of us." Isaiah says "I love a good freshman every now and again" and Jake says "he's too cute to be a freshie, those guys look like crackheads, literally. I'll say junior." I say "ok, guys, stop arguing over whether I'm a freshman or not and grab a plate and get the food while it's hot." Conner says "you don't have to ask me twice" grabbing food and Brody mumbles "thanks, love" and blush saying "no problem." I wash my hands, grab some food, and eat along with them. Conner says "I haven't had good food since I was at home a couple months ago." I chuckle saying "seriously? You all baffle me" and Brody says "not many people can cook" chuckling and I say "now, that is true." Daniel says "alright, I like you now" and I chuckle and as they put their plates in the sink Conner says "thanks, babe" and Brody says "thanks, love" and they all go by me saying "thank you" then from Jake I get a "thank you, momma." I chuckle and I say "glad my child is already grown up" rolling my eyes and I say "less responsibility." We chuckle and Brody says "Conner, could you do the dishes?" Conner says "yeah, just a second" checking his phone and Brody says "you don't have a girl, who you texting? Your mom? Depeche-toi, hurry up" and I say "you fluent?" He says "no, barely passed French two and that's one of the several things that I remember from that class." I chuckle saying "who took French or Spanish?" More of the guys took French and Daniel says "I took French cause I was already fluent in Spanish." I say "languages were hard for me, barely passed" and Daniel says "I found that it's just the classroom setting, and America starts foreign languages way too late. I learned Spanish in maybe three years and the way the school teaches it to you they expect you to know way too much by the end of one year. Never mind the second, it's just crammed when I would just hear my family speak Spanish all the time and you really didn't have a choice but to learn how to speak it. School makes language so much harder than it actually is, you just have to be pushed right into the deep end with an open mind to learning with natives talking in that language, I thought it made it easier than sitting in a classroom with long lists of vocabulary then a test on it in hopes that you remember everything you learned when you only remember like twenty percent of it." I say "so true, that's fair" nodding and Brody says "what should we do now?" My phone rings and I say "I'll be back" biting my lip and I go up to my room and I answer saying "hello?" My mom says "hey, how are you doing?" I say "good" and mom says "you aren't ruined from frat boys are you?" I say "no, they're chill, I made food for them and now they're all in love with me" and we chuckle. Mom says "alright, just called to check on you" and I say "ok, well, bye, love you" and mom says "bye, love you too." We hang up and Lia, my friend, calls me saying "just wanted to say hi" and I ay "it's been like a month, where have you been?" She says "busy unpacking and getting settled in at school" and I say "we should catch up sometime" and she says "I'm free right now" and I say "me too, come by and say you're interested in joining the fraternity, you might kill them." Lia laughs saying "that would be fun, I'll come by and mess with them, we'll go out for coffee, get ready" and I say "bye" chuckling. She dresses like an instagram baddie, like that's her aesthetic, she can screw with these boys all day. I get ready and I hear a knock at the door then Conner says "I'll get it." This is gonna be good. 

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