Chapter 1

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Josie's POV
It was the 12th of February. My father's birthday. I was an only child. My parents worked really hard to keep me happy. They would always fight though. I didn't like it. When ever they would fight, I would go and hide in my closet and wait for my dad to come up and tell me everything was okay.

Anyway, it was my fathers birthday and we were all sitting at the table eating dinner when my mother said, "Albert for your birthday I got us a new house. Way better than this dump. I got a way better job that pays a lot more money. Happy birthday sweetie. Oh, and by the way, its in California."

With this my father was very happy. We could finally get away from Detroit. Start over and hopefully live happy.

I hoped this would make my parents stop fighting. Boy, was I wrong.

The first week we got to our new home, my parents argued over everything. What high school I was going to go to, what room should be mine and just a lot of other pointless things.

After the first week they told me they were getting divorced. It hurt me a lot more than I thought it would. I knew it was going to happen one day but I really didn't want it to. Of course they argued over me. I chose to livd with my dad. Only because I was closer to him and he was always there for me more than my mom ever was.

My dad and I kept the house and my mother moved to an apartment or something. I could really care less.


I was starting school today. I was very antisocial. I literally had no friends at my old school.

"You want to eat before your big day?" My dad asked as I walked into the kitchen. "No thanks dad I'm good." I was way to scared to eat. Well not scared, more like nervous. "I love you Josie."

"I love you too dad." And with that I was off and on my way to school.

When I got to the bus stop there were at least ten kids. They all were looking at me so I decided to take out my iPod and listen to music.

No one sat by me on the bus. I saw these kids laugh and point at me but I wasn't affected by it.

Then when I got to school I went to the office to get a map of the school. I already has my schedule in my backpack so all I needed was to know where the classes were.

As I was about to walk in, someone tripped me and I fell. When I looked up I saw a girl and her two friends standing and just looking down at me laughing.

"Listen up newbie, You better not fuck with anyone of my friends or my boyfriend or any of his friends. Ya got me?" With that she just turned around and left. I was about to run home and cry when I saw a hand in front of me.

"Come on get up."

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