The Enterprise has YOU.

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Location - Enterprise Bridge

The Enterprise jumps into motion as they leave for the nebula.

"Lieutenant Uhura, open a ship-wide channel." Jim orders.

"Yes, Captain." Uhura obeys.

Jim un-mutes the mic at his Captain's chair and begins talking, "Attention crew of the Enterprise. Our mission is straight forward. Rescue a crew stranded on a planet in uncharted space. Our trajectory will take us through an unstable nebula. One which will disable all communications with starfleet. We're gonna be on our own." Carolynn looks at her husband, as he talks to the crew.

"The enterprise has something no other ship in the fleet has. You." Carolynn smiles at Jim's choice of words. How enigmatically he inspires his people is truly commendable.

Jim continues, "As we have come to understand that there is no such thing as the unknown. Only they are temporarily hidden. Kirk out." Jim switches the channel off.

"Wow." Carolynn manages to sneak a praise into his ears, making Jim smile up at the brunette.

Within a few minutes, The Enterprise enters the nebula. And it indeed is very unstable. The crew could feel the change in surroundings. This is gonna very risky.

Carolynn lifts her up from the pannel ands sees Bones visibly nervous about it all. Jim glances at Spock, finding him deep in thought. Something's definitely bugging him. Jim leans a bit forward and checks up on his wife, who is busy watching her pannel for upcoming threats.

Both Jim and Carolynn look at Chekov as he says, "Readings indicate, cloud density diminishing, Sir."

As the ship goes further into the nebula and exit it, they see a planet. This is when Kalara speaks up, "This is Altamid. My shis stranded here." Jim looks up at the girl, so does Carolynn. She doesn't like the girl. Something's been telling that she smells of trouble.

Spock sits down at his station and begins to study the whereabouts of the planet. He speaks up once he is done, "Approaching Altamid. Class M planet. Massive subterranean development but limited to no life forms on the surface."

An indicator of Carolynn's pannel beeps. "Proximity alert, James. We have an unknown ship, heading right for us." She informs.

"Lieutenant Uhura, hail them." Jim orders.

"Yes, Captain." Uhura replies.

Everyone on the ship look at the approaching ship. Jim eyes it intently. Carolynn sees the ship's body kind of wiggling as it approaches the enterprise.

"What the hell?" She mutters as she sees a close view of it on her monitor.

"I'm picking up some kind of signal." Uhura says first and then goes on to say, "They're jamming us."

Jim's expression change as the ship picks up the presence of multiple ships. His eyes widen. He gets up from his chair and walks forward, closer to the screen. "Magnify, Mr. Sulu.", he orders.

Sulu does as asked. The ship watches in confusion and horror as hundreds of small ship, or maybe pods, appear on screen.

"That's definitely not a ship. What on Earth!" Carolynn mutters as she gets the torpedoes ready for offense and the shields for defence.

"What is this?" Jim turns back and Kalara ask accusingly. On receiving a dumb expression from the girl he looks back at the screen.

"Shields Up! Red Alert!" Jim shouts.

Carolynn gets into action immediately as she is asked to.

In no time the little ships start to come at the enterprise. There were probably millions of them.

"Fire at will, Rose." Jim shouts. Carolynn tries to overpower the enemy, but fails. "James, our phasers are having minimal effect and our torpedoes cannot track their movements." She informs.

"Fire everything we've got." Jim says without removing his gaze from the screen.

"Captain, we're not equipped for this matter of engagement." Spock informs.

Carolynn struggles to fight them off with the shield percentage decreasing with every passing second.

"Shield's frequency have no effect, Sir." Chekov informs.

"They took out the dish. Shields are inoperable." Sulu adds.

The enemy vessels continue to attack The Enterprise. The ship hardly standing straight against them.

"Warp us outta here, Mr. Sulu." Jim orders and goes back to his seat.

Sulu tries to punch the warp, but the Enterprise doesn't budge.

Carolynn sighs as the ship runs out of torpedoes. "James we're out of torpedoes." She informs.

"Why the hell aren't we moving?" Jim asks, urgency clear in his voice.

"I can't engage the Warp drive, Sir." Sulu replies while his failed attempts at starting the ship.

The ship continues to take their hits.

"Scotty, I need warp. Now!" Jim orders over comms.

"I can't restart nacelles. They've. They've gone." Scotty replies over comms.

"Jim, they broke both the nacelles off." Carolynn says in panic." Carolynn says as she looks at the Captain.

Jim glances at his wife. He looks back at the screen in front and starts to give orders, "Security, engage all emergency procedures alpha protocol 28 pro 1 alpha 0. All personnel to alert stations."

Carolynn un-mutes her panel's mic and begins to bark orders at her juniors. She then asks a junior officer to take her place at her station.

On her way to join Spock and Bones in the turbolift, she places her hand on Jim's shoulder and plants a kiss on his head. Jim looks longingly at his wife as she walks in to the lift and both her and Spock shift their phasers to kill.



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