Steven 10.5

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She slowly traces my skin art with her eyes. They light up in recognition at some of the drawings, cloud with concern at some, and curiously stare at others. She smiles at my sleeve and I hold back a grin of my own. Of course she would pick the most elegant one with the darkest history.

Vines and roses spiral down to just before my wrist, littered with gems sliced cleanly in half, shards scattered across the length of my arm, and intact and shining gemstones. She touches it gingerly and then her eyes begin trailing further down. Her eyes only stop when she reaches where my belly button is, or should be. There's a moment of hesitation and she looks up at me again, but I avoid her gaze by staring straight ahead and rigid like a soldier.

She drops to her knees and I almost sigh in relief. She's not going to ask. But instead I feel her cold fingers tracing just around the edge of my gem. It pulsates with bright light for a moment, illuminating the room in a sexual pink and then fades again.

"Is this okay?" She whispers.

No. Yes. Please stop but don't not keep going.

"G-go ahead," I hate how unsure and nervous my voice sounds. It makes me feel weak and that feeling is only magnified when she starts tracing the facets, 6 in total. My legs start to shake and my hand twitches. I want to pull her closer and press her lips into me. I want her to stop. I want her to keep going.

My gem glows again and she murmurs something to herself with wide eyes. She looks beautiful in the light of my affliction, her brown eyes are so gorgeous shrouded in pink. She's pretty in pink.

"You're not human. At least not fully." She doesn't stop tracing and stroking my gem and I feel my mind hazing over quickly. My gem never came into play sexually until later in my childhood. Lapis never bothers to play with it though, she prefers to be fucked doggy style anyways.

"N-no," I breathe. "I'm not."

"That's what I thought." She stands up and walks away. I feel panic rising in my chest, the fact that I want her to not care is ridiculous. No one's ever seen my gem. I always keep it hidden with my shirt or a tank top. The only other person I've ever fucked that has seen my gem was Lapis.

She stops just outside of the bedroom door and turns to glace back at me. "Come on then. That doesn't change a fucking thing."

I can't say her apathy doesn't confuse me and make me harder at the same time, but I stay frozen in place.

"Get in here, Universe. I'm far from done with that body of yours." Without another moment she disappears into the bedroom and I follow lke the animal I am.

She sits on her knees and grabs at my pant loop to tug me forward. I swallow as we lock eyes. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she had murderous intent behind those eyes. But she didn't want my life, she wanted something much more realistic from me.

"Where's all that bravado now?" She mocks. Her cheek presses against my stomach and I jump at her warm breath flowing over it. My fingers instinctively thread into her tight curls and tug her away. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to overstep-." She tries to move back further from me but I have an iron grip on her and tilt her head up to face me.

"You had better finish what you fucking started, Brat." I lay down next to her and pull her on top of me. "You know what to do. Explore."

She takes a deep breath and releases it slowly. Her cheeks are flushed as she grabs the side of my stomach and kisses around my gem.

Stars and Diamonds that's amazing. When was the last time I had felt this kind of insane pleasure?

Her tongue peeks out and she flicks it over one of the side facets. My hips buck and she takes it as a cue to do it again.

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