Connie 9

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By the time I'm fully aware, I'm surrounded by my two sisters with a huge three-person-martini in front of us. It's late. Maybe 6 or 7 at night and I want to be in my bed.

"Men," Rose gripes.

"Ugh." Stevonnie nods and takes a long sip from her straw.

My eyes are playing a movie of Steven drilling into me the night before and I sigh, feeling tears prick at my eyes. "Tell me about it. At least your men give you something tangible for half a second."

Both my sisters immediately spring up from their gloom and doom clouds.

"You have a man? It'd better not still be that Kevin fucker, I'll cut his scrotum off." Rose leans in and whispers, "That means ballsack."

I cringe and roll my eyes, my cheeks a little pink. "Stop that, Rose! We are in public." I scold her and she rolls her eyes. "Forget I said anything!" I take a large sip of martini and order a glass of brandy with no ice.

"Oh she's drinking, Rose. This is no bueno," Age turns to me with half genuine concern, half gossip lust, "Is it Steven, honey? Oh, I'm gonna kill him I just knew he was a bad idea!" She clenches her fists and I want to giggle, but my mood won't let me.

"Stevonnie, weren't you telling me it was a good idea?" The waiter brings my glass and I awkwardly poke at it.

"Wait, Steven?"

"Yes, girl! Steven-Steven!"

"Like Universe????" Rose's jaw drops and she smiles at me. "No wayyy~!"

They both take a moment to fangirl over him and I take a full 5 swallows. I can't stand my sisters sometimes. They quickly take notice of my sudden alcoholism and squeeze me in a hug as tears cloud my eyes.

"Don't worry little sister. We will get him for you!"

"Yeah sure, I'm probably capable of murder! The least I can do is leave him a bunch of traumatic experiences that he will be burdened with for eons!" Rose says seriously, her eyes shining like Diamonds. She hugs me tighter and I wiggle out of the embrace.

"It was my fault! We aren't murdering anybody! Why is that a sentence I even have to say to you two?"

They both look at me sadly and I sigh.

"Sometimes you sound so much like her."

"Yeah, yeah back onto the topic of the gorgeous asshole... It was my fault. I think I got too into it. I just.... I just got carried away. I knew he didn't really like me all along so I don't know why I pushed so much." I finish the glass and order another.

"You didn't get kinky, did you?" Roses eyes are so wide it's comical. "Hunny that's never a good look on a first date!"

"No, I didn't get kinky!" My cheeks fill with heat at the thought. What would it be like to be tied down and tortured sexually? Would he pull me onto his lap and whisper taboo fantasies for us to try? The dirty stuff he said to me makes my chest warm. "I just— I dunno you guys. Everything is just stupid right now."


I start to grab my phone but my sisters are now locked in on me and I want to keep them distracted so they don't—

"OMG is that him?"

"Stev, you know that's totally him! Is it a booty call?"

"God so one time..."

I ignore them and read the text.

'I'm sorry.'

My stomach churns so hard I put my hand to my mouth. I realize that it's not nausea but anger a few seconds too late.

The sad part? I know everything.

He's leading me on. I knew what he has been doing the entire time. And I let it happen. I let him take advantage of me because I thought I needed the escape. I thought I needed what only he could give me. I can feel boiling rage in my cheeks and my sisters exchange glances.

"I have to go. Now." They don't ask, and I don't answer. My phone rings and I decline the call without bothering to see who it was.


'I don't know what came over me.'

He thinks that after last night, I'll just fall into bed with him again? He's a delusional man child, afraid and only using to me get the promotion and beat out Kevin.

'You're a coward, Mr. Universe.'

He starts typing, then stops. Then, he starts up again. By the time I've hailed a cab and made it to the lobby, he still hasn't said anything.

"Oh, Mrs. Maheswaren!" My doorwoman looks uncomfortable, which is kind of odd to see her express anything clearly. "I... thought you were upstairs already..."

"It's fine, Garnet. Just send me up. I'm exhausted."

She smiles just a little, and I feel a tiny bit better. "And tipsy. Men?"

I sigh watch the lights for the elevator light up. "Isn't it always?"

"Not Kevin though."

"How'd you—?"

She holds up a hand over my head and one of the chandelier lights falls into her palm. "Call it "intuition'." She steadies me and I smile gratefully at her.

"You're a weird person, G."

She nods and the elevator opens. I step inside and wave, but she's back to her usual stoic self.


I look up as the doors begin to slide closed.

"If you're irritated with men, I would suggest taking some deep breaths before heading up."


I take out my phone and see Steven has answered finally.

'Your guard woman let me up.'

I feel the drunkenness start to fade away and I curse the bottles of water I drank in the car.

Being drunk, I could stay mad and he couldn't possibly try anything. Sober on the other hand, well....

My thoughts come to a halt when the doors slide open and I'm face to face with the Universe.

Sorry for a short chapter but I'm going to try and update again tonight or tomorrow! I kinda tagged random people at some point so idk whatever. My bad


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