Steven 11.5

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The elevator doors swooshed open in my face, and I had to hope to all the stars in the sky that it was Connie on the other side. I don't want anyone else to see me like this.

Her face goes through what seems like a million different emotions. Shock, flustered, sadness, hurt, wanting, then finally it lands on a mix of irritation and exhaustion.

Even with her apparent annoyance of my presence, I still visibly sag with relief. "I'm sorry. Something..." I pause, hoping my guilt isn't written all over my face. "Something came up."

She stares at me, looking all too alluring in those damn leggings. It has slits all the way up the sides, just to below her panty line giving me one hell of a distraction from what's about to happen.

I know what I'm supposed to do. I'm supposed to end it with Connie and destroy her.

I don't know if I can do it.

'You promised~!'

I can still hear that water witch's voice in my head. I grimace. "I'm sorry."

She raises an eyebrow at me. "For what?"

"For being late. Can we please go inside?" I don't want to have this conversation out here and I'm already getting restless.

"Fine." She opens the door wider and I stride inside, breathing in her delicious scent, glancing around the apartment for the first time. When I came here Friday, I'd been solely focused on Connie and nothing else. Now that I see where she lives...

It suits her. Everything is tidy and well placed. There's a few pictures on the walls, and candles on the tables. Despite the constant mask she wears, her home really does add personality to her. Half read books sit on top of her bookshelf and fairy lights dangle from the sides of it like a waterfall. Everything here feels warm and cozy. Best of all, it smells like her.

I can't shake off the feeling that this is the last time I'll be allowed in here.

"Nice place," I say as I turn to face her. That sweater she's wearing looks soft. I want to touch her to get rid of the filth and self hatred and weakness I feel after being with Lapis.

I still can't believe I let her do that to me.

"Thanks." She steps closer and inhales softly, then deeper. "You smell like perfume."

Fucking christ. Lapis wears the most obnoxious perfume in the entire world and it rubbed off on me. Why wouldn't it?

Before I even have a moment to explain, she yanks me forward and takes a deep smell of my shirt.

"Oh for fucks sake, are you serious right now?"

I try to reach for her but she smacks my hand so hard I flinch.

"You think you can just go around fucking whomever you please because you're special or something? Kevin told me, he warned me about you. Well guess what? I'm so sick of you fuckers trying to force your way into changing me and using me and hurting me! You, Kevin, Ronaldo...I'm so done with all of you!" Her voice cracks with her exhaustion and I just want to hold her. She's obviously reached her limit, and once again I'm the straw that broke the camel's back. She's heaving with fury and I can still hear her nearly screeching voice in my head.

I should have showered. I should have changed clothes. Of course Lapis would pull a scandal like this, knowing I'd go to Connie smelling like her. "Johnson warned you about me?"

"Of course he did. Well, he tried but I told him to screw off. I've known what you were up to this whole time, you piece of shit!" She glares at me and I feel yet another 50 pounds of stress on my back.

Capturing ConnieWhere stories live. Discover now