Steven 4

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I'm practically shivering with excitement and anticipation as I wait for Connie outside. My foot is tapping impatiently, something I picked up from sitting through ceremonies and dedications. Auntie W used to hate it and give me the dirtiest looks over it, which made me tap louder.

Connie, however, looks so calm and collected, I wonder if she perhaps forgot about our meal. But no, the way she is pushing against the crowd tells me otherwise. She's tense. I can even see a bit of white flash over that bottom lip, biting that lip.

Under my breath, I growl. She looks so perfect even now. Not a hair out of place, her dress isn't the slightest bit wrinkled or folded and against the blacks and greys, she stands out.

I want to ruin her perfection. Rub my fingers through her hair, grip her ass and trace every curve, tear off that dress. I need to kiss her skin and run my tongue over every inch of her. I yearn to eat her up.

She swivels her head for a moment before meeting my eyes and I know for certain she was fully aware of where I was. She's psyching herself up. She walks towards me and I groan under my breath. Look at that gorgeous body, accompanied with that shy smile. And that unmarked skin.

The second I get her clothes off, I'm going to begin marking her. Biting, scratching, sucking; anything I can do to remind her of me. She won't be able to twitch without being reminded of me.

I swipe a hand across the back of my tense neck. Jesus, something about this woman fills me with confusing, possessive thoughts. I know it's in my blood to be a controlling asshole, but tied with my father's spirit, I can get a little carried away with my boldness.

"Sorry you had to wait," she says, sounding breathless. Can't help but wonder if she'll sound that breathless just after I make her cum. Shards, what is wrong with me? It's like I see her and I immediately want to mount her like a dog. "I had a last-minute call and it took longer than I expected."

"It's fine." She's five minutes late, tops. Its truly no big deal. Funny how she acts like she's committed an unforgivable sin. "I haven't been waiting long."

"Good." The relieved smile she sends me makes my own lips curve without thought. "Are you ready?"

"Absolutely." I take her elbow and steer her to the car, opening the door for her so she can climb inside. I let my gaze drop to her ass, watching the way the thin red material hugs her curves, and I quell the lust that rises within me as best I can.

I have to control myself more closely than usual now. The pulsing in my veins can turn into something dangerous and eerie quickly. I've been slipping lately, I can sense when it happens. I want to growl and pin her against the nearest object. I can feel the change in my body, and then the cooldown as I return to a more human mindset. I have to be careful looking at that ass pressing against the fabric of her dress. There's no underwear line, making my mind wander to dangerous places. I shake the incoming change from my head and climb into the backseat of the car behind her, pulling the door shut. I nod, indicating to the driver that he should get going. We have less than fifteen minutes to get to our destination in time for our reservation and there's no way we'll make it. They won't give up our spot, though. I guaranteed the small private room for Connie and me with my credit card. We'll be alone all night. I'll start working my magic on her the minute we're behind closed doors and she'll be ready and willing within the next few days, if not by the end of the night.

I'm that confident in my abilities.

I'm starting to sound like Lapis.

"I can't wait to see your ideas," she says, her voice holding a tremor of excitement. She curls her hands together in her lap, her body angled toward mine. "I've been looking forward to this dinner all day." Her eyes skirt the seat nervously, then meet mine with a kind of fire I haven't seen from her yet.

Capturing ConnieWhere stories live. Discover now