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I was in the closet, curled up in a ball against the back wall trying to stay as far away from the door. More specifically, who was outside it. JD, my fucking psychotic ex. He broke into my room after telling my parents I was suicidal. After ranting, he started counting down from ten for me to open the door. But I wouldn't. Kindness is weakness to JD. I won't be rewarded for opening the door, he'd still be pissed at me.


The door was kicked open suddenly. I jumped, letting out a yelp with the hope that my parents heard me. JD was standing in the doorway. The light behind him cast dark shadows on his face, obstructing his eyes. He let out an annoyed sound. "You've been a bad girl, Veronica." He said to me, his voice low with frustration towards me.

"What are you, my father?" I asked him facetiously. He pulled me up from the floor.

"I suggest you cut the attitude." He warned me as he yanked me out of the closet. "Pack a bag." He added.

"What?" I questioned, almost laughing at him in disbelief.

"I said pack a bag." He repeated himself.

"I heard you, I'm asking for what." I clarified. He clenched his jaw and shoved his hands deep in the pockets of his stupid fucking trench coat.

"Because I told you to." He stated as if that was a good reason.

"Or what?" I queried. Before I could finish the words, JD had pulled his hand out of his pocket and pointed a small silver revolver at my head. I froze.

"Or I'll fucking kill you instead." He threatened me. He pressed the barrel to my forehead. It was freezing cold. "And we both know I'm not opposed to murder." He added.

"Okay." I mumbled to him, my voice cracking. He put the gun back in his pocket.

"Now be a good girl and pack a bag." He told me and this time, I listened. I wasn't going to die because I was too stubborn to listen to him.

I packed a bag I used to use when I'd spend the night at JD's or friends houses. I didn't pack my nicest clothes because I figured they'd be ruined soon enough anyways. Being around JD often led to me getting awful stains on things, from blood to bleach to drain cleaner. I could never get them out and had to throw away tons of clothes. I packed what I'd consider pajamas, leggings and band shirts. It was the stuff JD preferred me to wear because it was baggier and the band shirts covered my butt. He hated when people stared at my butt. Aside from the clothes, I packed my diary and my favorite blanket. I'd had it since I was a baby.

JD rushed me as I packed. When I was done, he left a note on my big hardwood desk in my handwriting but he didn't let me read it. He led me downstairs where I hoped my parents would be sitting. But it was already after eleven, and they'd gone to bed. I felt a lone tear slide down my cheek. JD stopped me at the door.

"Hold my hand." He demanded, and I did as told, gripping my other hand tighter around the strap of my duffel bag on my shoulder. He opened the front door and ran down the empty street with me bobbing behind him. No houses had lights on aside for in upstairs bedrooms and those people wouldn't be fast enough. So I didn't scream. I just followed JD like the stupid little puppy I was.

JD had parked at the corner. He opened his door for me to slide across to my side. Before I got in, he took my bag to put it away. Without any other options, I got into his car while he put what little I now owned in the backseat. Then he quickly joined me in his car and started to drive.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him.

"It's better if you ask as few questions as possible." JD replied, which wasn't much of an answer. I put my hand on the handle of the door and contemplated jumping out. I wondered if I'd survive despite the fact that JD drives way over the speed limit. "Hand off the door." He hissed at me, reaching over and placing my hand into my lap.

"Sorry." I mumbled an apology to him but he said nothing in response, he simply turned on the radio and pulled me close to his side. I stiffened.

"Relax, darling." He told me quietly. One of his hands was on the wheel and the other was on my thigh, which did little other than make me uneasy.

"JD, I'm not your darling." I scoffed at him and he simply sighed.

"I promise that by the end of tonight, you will be." He said as if that was supposed to excite me. I dreaded when we'd arrive at our destination. We'd only been driving for a few minutes and I had figured that he was stopping at his house before he hoisted me away somewhere in the night. But when we arrived at his house, he got out of the car and grabbed my hand to pull me out. He got my bag from the backseat and I was weary.

"Why do you have my bag? Aren't we leaving Sherwood?" I asked him. He didn't answer me, instead he dragged me inside. He began to lead me up to his bedroom.

No! No! No!

A million horrible possibilities ran through my head as I followed JD up the stairs. I couldn't get away because he's faster and stronger. He'd catch me and then he'd hurt me for trying to run. JD likes compliance. If I'm compliant, he won't hurt me.


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