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As soon as the door to JD's bedroom closed, I knew I was trapped. Maybe the fact that he fucking kidnapped me at gunpoint should have said something but no, the door closing did. Anyways, he immediately dropped my bag on the ground and at the same time he slithered his free arm around my waist. It felt heavy on my hip. Once he my duffel bag hit the wooden floor with a dull thud, that hand was at the nape of my neck. As per usual for JD, he was playing with my hair. It tickled and it made goosebumps crawl up my spine. Though, they were more so out of worry of what he'd do next as opposed to liking it, even if it did tickle.

"I love you, Veronica." He told me in a quiet, almost awkward tone of voice.

"Stop." I said, finally finding my words. He laughed, tossing his head back lightly. His hand on my hip peeled away and the hand fidgeting with my hair balled up a fist of my hair. Then he yanked and my head tilted backwards, uncomfortably far back unlike his nonchalant toss. "That really fucking hurts." I informed him. He untangled his hand from my hair and took a step back.

"Get on the bed." He demanded of me, not responding to the fact that he had hurt me again. Not realizing that that's why I left him in the first place.

"I don't want to." I mumbled, folding my arms across my chest nervously. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the gun again. He pointed it at me. He didn't need to say anything because at the sight of the gun, I was already sitting on the foot of the bed.

But he didn't put his little silver revolver away. Instead, he pulled it apart and emptied the bullets onto the bed beside me. The gun was loaded, I thought to myself incredulously. He pointed a loaded gun at me twice tonight.

He really was going to kill you.

Shut up, Heather.

JD picked up one of the bullets that fell onto his black comforter. He put it back in one of the chambers and spun the spinning part of the gun around. He clicked it back in and pointed at me again. He strutted towards me and I crawled onto the bed to avoid the gun. Obviously. I still managed to end up beneath him and his gun before I even knew what happened. The barrel of the revolver was pressed against my forehead and the cool metal was almost relaxing.

"I don't want to play Russian Roulette." I told him, hoping he'd stop because I said that. Instead, he pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. He put the trigger to his own head.

"I would die for you, Veronica." He informed me. Click, another empty chamber.

"Stop it." I begged him, my voice starting to tremble as he put the gun against my head again but this time, he pressed it to the side of my head.

"Tell me that you'd die for me." He ordered. I shook my head no as much as possible with something against the side of my head. He pulled the trigger for the third time. It was empty. He readied his finger for a fourth pull. Probability is bad at this point and there's no other way out besides doing what he asked of me.

"Stop it! I'd die for you, please just stop because I don't want to die!" I cried to him. He got off of me and put the revolver on his dresser. I curled up into a ball and sobbed. He came back, taking a seat beside me.

"I'll take you back." JD said, his voice gentle and singsongy. "You don't have to cry anymore, my love." He added to which I cringed. He scowled at that.

"Please just let me go home." I pleaded with him as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"That's not gonna happen, sweetheart. I'm going to keep you all for myself." He informed me and that only made me cry even harder. His scowl grew deeper.

"Then at least don't hurt me." I requested, to which he nodded. The scowl disappeared and he started to rub my back.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He told me. I didn't really believe him but I could feel that I was getting tired. Crying always wore me out. "Get some rest." He said sweetly, leaning down to kiss my forehead. After a few more minutes of him rubbing my back and sweet-talking me, I fell asleep despite my better judgment and the sound of Heather Chandler screaming for me to stay awake and alert.

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