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When I awoke, I realized I was alone and not in JD's room. I wasn't in my room either though. The room I was in had concrete walls. There was a radiator across from where I was sitting on a mattress on the floor, as well a door beside it. Aside from that, there was a tiny slot window too high for me to see out of. Figuring out from the window that I was in a basement, I got out of the bed and went to the door to leave. Unsurprisingly, it was locked.

Damn, he got you good. You're such a fucking moron for falling for that sweet act. Look at this shit, he's locked you in this slum of a room.

Fuck off, I batted away Heather's voice in my head. I rattled the doorknob and banged on the door. I screamed as loud as I possibly could. Unfortunately, I only attracted the attention of JD, who was in one of his smug moods.

"How are you liking your room?" He asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me? This room is hardly furnished." I scoffed at him. His hand was on my neck in an instant, pressing lightly. Just enough to be threatening but not painful.

"You've got a bed. That's plenty until I get you furniture later today." He argued before pulling his hand away.

"I'm pretty sure that's the mattress you and I tore." I informed him.

"Indeed, it is." He said, walking past me as he lit a cigarette. He took a seat on the mattress and patted the spot in front of him, his way of telling me to sit. I did. "I'll have this place looking better tonight, I promise." He added once I sat down. I looked into his eyes as Heather's voice rang through my head.

Compliance is the key to survival.

"Okay." I smiled at him.

"You're such a good girl, V." He grinned at me before planting a long kiss on my lips. His tongue pressed against the line between my lips and without any other choice, I complied and accepted his invitation to make out. Before long, he was feeling me up and fidgeting with the hem of my camisole.

I pulled away from him. "Can we not do anything more than kiss right now?" I asked him, putting my hand on his to be sweet.

"I need you." He whined at me, rubbing his nails up and down my arm in an attempt to get me to give in. It was usually something that turned me to putty in his hands but I really didn't want to fuck him.

Wonder why.

Didn't I tell you to shut up?

"I'm not in the mood." I told JD in a quiet voice. I lightly pushed his hand away from my arm. "I'm sorry, I really am. I just don't feel up to it." I apologized. Which was really only to soothe his ego.

JD didn't say much of anything for a moment. He just stood up and sighed heavily. "Why do you have to make me force you?" He asked me, his voice low but steady. A lump rose in my throat.

"Please don't." I managed to choke out the words. He put his heavy hands on my shoulders. I could feel myself begin to shake as he shoved me backwards.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm only doing this because I love you." He said to which I started to cry.

My tears did little to sway JD, who took what he wanted as if it was never mine to give. For starters, he ripped my sleep shorts and underwear up. Then he tore me open like I was nothing, remaining absentminded to the blood he spilt in the process. I wasn't a person who had their own thoughts and desires to JD. I was nothing more than a doll to hang on his arm, an accessory to tote around like his pistols and his trench coat. A prize to be won.

When JD had finally finished assaulting me, after a couple of rounds that I did nothing other than cry during, he led me out of the basement. Outside of the door there was another room in the basement and a staircase leading upstairs. Right before he took me upstairs, he put his trench coat on me and buttoned it shut.

"So no one else sees you naked." He explained his actions, which were to prevent me from his father seeing me naked. JD's father already looks at me like a piece of meat, if he saw me naked he'd probably jizz in his pants on the spot.


I know.

Anyways, after I was securely in JD's coat, he led me up the stairs and up the staircase to go to the second floor. He directed me towards the bathroom, where I waited patiently for him as he grabbed clean clothes for me. When he returned to the bathroom, he undid the buttons and slid his coat off of me. He sat it on the counter and lifted my camisole over my head. I wrapped my arms around my chest self-consciously.

Then JD started the shower and I stepped in to get cleaned off. I rubbed away the blood on the inside of my thighs with the water for a moment before JD joined me in the shower. "I'm sorry." He apologized to me, grabbing my hands to hold them in his hands. When he looked at me, I noticed that his eyes were teary. "I am so sorry." He added.

Don't forgive him.

"It's okay." I lied to him, giving him a fake dreamy smile. "I forgive you, just please don't do it again." I requested.

"I won't." He reassured me as he let go of my hands to pick up his loofa. He put his soap on it and started to clean me up. He sang songs as he did it and I tried my best to act normal. I had never showered with him before, after all.

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