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The day turned to night turned to day again. Once it became late however, I tucked Emily into bed and took Chloe to my bedroom. I put her in her bassinet before I climbed into my own bed. I pulled the covers over my head.

He's gonna beat you for not staying put.

I don't care, I retorted. I need to sleep in a bed. Chloe needs to be in her bassinet. Emily needs to not be near the baby all night long.

JD didn't return that day. The police, however, did return. I answered the door because I wanted to get away from him. "We're looking for Jason." The officer told me.

"He's not here." I replied. "He left late yesterday afternoon and hasn't been back. He took some of his stuff so I don't think he will be." I went on, still holding out hope for rescue.

"What's your maiden name, miss?" The other officer, another woman, asked me.

"Sawyer." I said.

"So that would mean you're Veronica Sawyer? The girl who killed herself from Ohio?" The first cop, the man, questioned with doubt in his voice.

"I didn't kill myself. He kidnapped me and left a suicide note in my handwriting." I explained what happened. "After a couple years of concussions, I agreed to marry him. He had me convinced that he loved me. He got me pregnant and managed to do it a second time." I added.

"This is probably going to be a very frightening call for your parents." The male cop laughed nervously.

"I can't stay here." I said. "If he does come back and he finds out that I told, he'll kill me." I went on.

"A lot of abusers say that." The male cop told me. I looked him dead in his eyes.

"JD has killed people before." I informed him.

"Who?" The female cop queried.

"Heather Chandler, Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney." I answered her, a little bit kinder. "But genuinely, I need to be somewhere else until my parents can come get me."

He'll be back soon.

"Alright, you can wait at the precinct for them." The female cop told me. I went inside, grabbed my children, our luggage and went to leave. It took me about half an hour to get our things together. By then, JD was outside in handcuffs.

He had left to purchase a large amount of explosives. He was going to blow the house up with all of us in it. He looked like a child sitting in timeout in the cop car. I had to wait for a new one to arrive because right as I saw him, the male cop was pulling away with the car.

"Why did you arrest my dad?" Emily asked the female cop.

"Your dad did a lot of bad things and was hurting your mom." The cop explained gently.

"Was it illegal?" She queried further.

"Yes." Was the only reply she received. The car arrived shortly after and once Emily was in the backseat with her sister, I got in the front.

Good riddance, I say.

Now I have a newborn on my own. I'm going to be living at home because I have no education or skills. This is literally the worst thing that could have happened.

He brought enough dynamite to blow up the block just to kill the four of you. Face it, Veronica, he's a monster.

I know that.

Then why do you love him?

I don't know that.

I do. It's because, deep down, you're just as fucked up as he is. I mean, maybe he hears voices telling him to kill people. I could tell you to kill people.

Please don't.

Oh my god, you still don't fucking get it do you?

Get what?

That I'm not some entity separate from you. Every thought you think is mine is really yours.

They aren't.

They are. You're delusional and psychotic.

I am not psychotic!

You are quite literally suffering from psychosis.



Why would he do this to me? Didn't he say he loved me?

Well clearly he doesn't.

He said he did.

God Veronica, he's a pathological liar.

He loves me and I love him.

He was going to kill you and your children.

I'm better off dead.

Suicidal remarks, really, Veronica?

Fuck off. I have good reason to want to be dead. Like the fact that I'm now a single mother who can't support her children.

Cry me a river.

You're a bitch.

Again, my words are your thoughts.

Yeah well I wish you weren't fucking here. I wish I wasn't fucking here, listening to my baby cry in the backseat because she hates the car.

Don't forget Emily's incessant rambling to the detective.

Thanks for the reminder, it's so helpful.

And you say I'm a bitch. You used to be a sweet girl. What happened?


That's right. Remember that. Remember how he's ruined you.

That makes me more suicidal.


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