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Time slipped away in a way I couldn't quite comprehend. Every moment felt like it ended too soon. Which was great for all the bad times where JD was being nasty to me. But when he was being sweet, it slipped through my fingers like grains of sand. I think that my mind didn't know how else to cope with living with JD. So it sped the time together up.

After what only felt like a few weeks, JD was informing me that it was my birthday. He'd abducted me in March and it being my birthday meant it was June. Three months passed without me even noticing.

"What do you want for your birthday, darling?" JD asked me sweetly.

To get away from your insufferable ass, for starters.

That happened all the time. Pretty much every conversation I had went twice as slow because Heather responded in my head before I could speak. And I couldn't think straight enough to conjure words when she spoke up. It made my head get a little fuzzy. Since it happened so frequently, I usually felt fuzzy.

"How old am I?" I asked JD, feeling really concerned that more than three months had passed.

"Nineteen today." He proclaimed happily. I burst into tears. That meant that I had lost over a year of my life to sitting in JD's bedroom. "Don't cry, angel." He crooned at me, taking a seat beside me on his bed.

You have damn good reason to cry! You're stuck with a fucking psychopath!

"JD, time feels too fast and it's scary." I admitted to him finally, unsure how long exactly it had been going on for.

How much do you think you lost to head trauma? He knees you in the head all the time, Veronica. He's scrambling your goddamn brain.

"You're not well, baby. That's okay. I'm gonna take care of you until you're better." JD said in an attempt to soothe me as he held my hand.


"I think you're the thing that's making me sick." I told him quietly.

He absolutely is what's making you crazy.

"That's not true, sweetheart." He scoffed lightly at my statement of fact.

It is true. Don't let him convince you. Stay strong.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I mumbled an apology to him.

You're a fucking idiot, Veronica.

"It's alright, darling." He said quietly as he shifted to hold me in his arms. He rubbed my back gently as he held me tightly. I cried into the collar of his stupid trench coat.

Cry into the arms of the man who makes you cry.

The rest of the day, I couldn't remember. I remember JD getting me to lay down in bed for a nap and then he put that scratchy blanket up over my face like I like it. Whatever he used to do the laundry smelled really sweet.


I woke up a little while later but when I looked down, I looked heavier than usual. I figured I'd been eating too much junk food so I told JD he needed to start buying less of it. He shook his head lightly. "Cupcake, that's not the reason you're heavier." He told me and I laughed.

Oh god.

"What else could it be?" I asked him, unsure what he was insinuating.

He's knocked you up, you fucking moron!

"You're pregnant." He answered. "We found out last week, remember?" He questioned in reply.


"No." I mumbled. "I don't really remember much that goes on." I added.

Because he's probably giving you constant concussions.

"Oh I think that'll drastically improve. Now that you're expecting, your mood is going to be on the upswing. You won't be dissociating." He explained his perspective on the matter.

That probably just means he'll stop kneeing you in the forehead.

"If you say so." I chuckled lightly. "How far along do you think I am?" I asked him as he let me out of his arms. I looked at his bright blue eyes, enchanting as always.

You're six months pregnant.

"Probably only like two months." He shrugged.

Try six.

"For some reason, my gut says six." I told JD.

Because you're six months pregnant. Jesus Christ, fucking listen to me.

"That's impossible. You've only missed like two periods." He argued back to me in a calm tone as he tucked a piece of my now very long hair behind my ear.

It isn't. Spotting can occur during pregnancy.

I didn't debate him though. I didn't have the energy for it. I didn't have the energy for much honestly. I felt everlastingly tired and I wondered how I'd manage raising a baby.

"I hope we have a little girl." I told JD sweetly as I smiled at him.

God forbid you have a boy. A JD junior would be hell.

"I've always wanted a daughter." JD admitted to me, giving me a grin. "So, I've been thinking that it might be time for us to leave Sherwood. That way you can start living a normal life again." He went on.

He's lying.

"Really!?" I asked him excitedly.

"Yeah. I have experience in demolitions now and I can get a job elsewhere. I don't need to stay stuck here not doing fieldwork." He explained his stance on wanting to move.

"Would we move around a lot?" I questioned.

"Probably once every eighteen months or so." He answered. "But it's not that bad. I really miss moving around a lot." He added.

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