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Three days that I could actually remember later, JD packed his car with our stuff and snuck me out of the house in the middle of the night. He started to drive and lit a cigarette. He took a drag before passing it to me. I took one as well. We settled down in a small town JD didn't bother to tell me the name of somewhere in Connecticut. We already had somewhere to live as JD had been planning the move for about a month.

The new house had no close by neighbors, which I knew was purposeful. This house was also bigger than our previous one. When I remarked on this, JD grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes. I tried my very hardest not to chuckle at the look he was giving me. It was just so serious.

He's got a helluva poker face, I'll give him that.

"It's all for you and our family." JD told me sweetly. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss.


It's only to please him.

Sure it is.

"Wanna go inside?" JD asked me to which I nodded. It was early morning the day after we left Sherwood. We'd spent most of last night in a hotel a few cities away. JD was too tired to continue driving and he wouldn't let me drive instead.

That's because he's an asshole.

Walking inside the new house, I was surprised to see that it was already furnished with new furniture. JD wrapped his arms around my waist. "Surprise." He muttered to me gently.

"It's beautiful." I replied, my way of telling him thank you. Which he understood. It's not like he ever expected a proper thank you for what little nice things he did for me.

I can't think of anything aside from this.

Before I knew it, JD was leading me up to our new bedroom. He kissed me kindly and then he just got into bed. I was shocked.

Shocked that he didn't rape you?

Who said that's what would have happened this time?

Remind me of a time in the past two years you've actually said yes to him fucking you. Oh, that's right, there aren't any.

Fuck off, Heather.

Sweet dreams.


When I awoke a few hours later, JD wasn't in bed. I sighed and stretched as I woke up all the way before I got out of bed. I walked up to the door and reached out to turn the knob. To my surprise, it hadn't been locked from the other side. The door opened. I ventured out, terrified that this was another one of JD's tests. After using the bathroom, I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. I had been lured there by the smell of butter on a pan.

"Morning, darling." JD, who happened to be making me breakfast, said.

Oh, this is priceless.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm perfect. I just saw how sweet you looked sleeping and I was going to make you breakfast in bed." He explained himself.


"Oh," I mumbled, faltering a little.

"If you want to go back upstairs, I'll bring your food up in a few minutes." JD suggested, which I accepted. I went back upstairs, curled up in the black comforter we had brought with us when we left Sherwood. I had managed to doze off by the time JD walked in around ten minutes later. I woke up at the sound and sat up straight in bed.

"Hey." I greeted him.

"Hey, gorgeous." JD replied. "Here's your breakfast." He added, sitting a tray down on my lap before taking a seat in front of me.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, grateful that I finally had a reprieve of Heather for once so I could savor this sweet moment. He never stayed like this for long. It was only a matter of time before I said the wrong thing and he hit me again. I think of all the times he sexually assaulted me. The bruises and hickeys he leaves as a reminder that I am his. I remember these things during the good times we have, I remember them then I swiftly forget them. I put the reality of the situation out of my mind.

"Are you alright?" JD queried.

"Yeah, sorry. I got lost in thought." I apologized, quickly taking a bite of my food. "This is really good." I said between bites. He made me two eggs over-easy, which I loved. I also had peanut butter toast to dip in the egg yolks. It's an amazing combination and something I was craving like crazy. I appreciated when he was loving enough to do these little things like make me breakfast in bed in our beautiful house.

"I'm glad you like it." JD smiled at me. "I have a question for you." He told me, putting his hand on my knee.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Um, I'm actually really nervous to ask you this." He admitted sheepishly. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny box. I naturally gasped. He opened it and he showed off a very pretty sapphire ring. "I figured you'd like it better than a diamond." He added, really hammering in what he was asking me indirectly.

Tell him to fuck off. He's not even properly asking you.

"Ask me." I said.

"Will you marry me?" JD asked finally.

Say no, for the love of god.

It's not for the love of god, our love is god.

Jesus Christ, are you that fucking starved of affection?


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