My Pain is Your Pain

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"Im putting in my request for leave, sir." I watch Riza hand Roy a piece of paper from my seat, Havok's chair empty today.

They speak in hushed voices, Roy seeming angry. After a moment of Riza being gone, he picks up the phone, making a call.

His voice becomes flirtatious, and I grit my teeth at the emotions rolling off of him. Until a gasp takes over my body, my hands gripping the closest thing to me, and I find myself no longer in the office, but outside. In front of me is falling debris, Al dancing around the ishvalan man.

"What is going on?"

"Emma?" I hear Ed say, my view changes from side to side. Realization hits me, as Ed moves out of the way of a fist. "How are you here?"

"Im not completely sure, but I think I'm so tuned into your emotions that I got sucked into your head. Now fill me in."

Ed begins running, Al running the other way. Knowing them well, I know there plan already, even before Ed turns to the alleyway. "When we saw teacher, we learned about the hommunculi. Well, we also figured out they only come out when one of us might die, as if they're going to protect us." His breathing slows, trying to hear the grown man behind him.

"Dont worry, he's still there."

Ed sighs, picking up speed. "Guess you can feel through me then?"

"Yeah. Now why are you drawing them out?"

"We're gonna catch one. Didn't Mustang tell you?" I feel his guilt and regret immediately erupt. "Em, I'm sor-"

"Im on my way, don't do- Winry?!"

Too early I am thrown out of his mind, finding Roy and Falman next to me on the floor, rolled onto my side. I struggle to get through their hands, needing to get to Ed. "Let go." I order, Falman letting go. Roy though, is the same rank as me, and glares at Falman, causing him to resume.

"You had a seizure, we can't let you up." Roy says, worry furrowing his brow. His eyes examine me, as I feel the worry fill his being.

I shake my head, pushing their hands off. "I got pulled into Ed's mind. Winry's in trouble." I don't look at Roy as I run out of the office, making quick time as I get to them.

Soldiers stand around the debris, so much happening at once. They werent sure what to do, directions coming from radios, leading them to different sectors of the city.


I throw myself by them, finding where my brothers stand, urging Winry to go with the nearby soldier, urging Scar to leave her out of it. Though she stands in front of them, defiant by nature.

Though I know the qualities of the ishvalan. Despite our friendly conversation, he did not know that these were my brothers. That Winry is the only one I would throw myself in front of.

And I do.

Watching his arms, I shove Winry backwards as the earth crumples beneath me and his alchemy hits me. Falling to the ground, I feel the cuts erupting over my body, feel wetness begin to pool over my scalp.

This gives Armstrong the perfect opportunity to grab Winry and I.

I feel medics begin to prob and poke at my body, cutting away my shirt, revealing a stomach wound that couldn't be challenged. A woman medic holds Winry away from me, knowing that I didn't want anyone to see this.

"Who's is she?" I try to scoff, but choke on blood. I do not belong to anyone, and the implication is just rude.

"Mustang's." A man speaks, he must have met my brothers. "She's their sister." He points out to the boys, looking at my wounds worriedly. He then looks me in the eyes. "I got to get some of these clean. It's going to hurt like a bitch, okay? Can you handle this?"

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