Not Real

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Brusting out of the room, I jog away, wanting to find that murderous suit of armour and wreck him part bolt by bolt for making my little brother thing he was made up. I could still see the shock on everyone's face from what my response had been.

~five minutes earlier~

"-real at all!" Al finishes telling us what the bastard had told him, and all Ed and I can do is stare at him for a moment. When he turns to leave, I grab the apron he wears on his front, stopping him in place.

"You dont get to run away. None of us get to run away. Al, i know that this body isn't ideal, but neither are ours. If I could trade you places, I would. I promise, little brother, you're real. Otherwise... you wouldn't still want to see her smile again, too." Al gasps, and Ed sweatdrops from the words that I'm saying, most likely watching Riza's and Roy's expressions. "You wouldn't get so angry at Ed for making dumb decisions about life and death. You wouldn't worry over me, like a brother is suppose to do for sisters."

I look up an give him a smile, tears brimming my eyes. "I know that this was supposed to go differently. We were suppose to grow up, seeing Mom laugh and smile everyday. You two were suppose to chase boys away from me - not that there would have been any. We were supposed to tease Ed and Winry about dating. You were supposed to be the little brother and stay innocent for as long as you could've. But we ruined that, when WE failed. When WE got it wrong. When that creature... when we did that to mom."

Ed takes over as I head to the door, knowing that he could handle the rest. I catch sight of Winry's face, the sadness in her eyes. I knew she was remembering that day all the same as me. "Al, you are nothing but real. You are the real Alfonse Elric." As Ed continues to talk to Al, take off. Al argues with him for a moment, his voice small from what I had said to him.

~the present~

I lean against the wall of a hallway a ways away, my hands on my knees. Trying to calm myself down and breathe.

"This isnt the famous Emma Elric... im supposed to be strong. If not for my brothers and i, then for the people of Amestris. If I keep crying, how am I supposed to do that?' The hospital was quiet today, bare of anyone on this floor, besides Ed. The upper floors held birthing mothers, ill children, and then adults who have chronic illnesses. I breathe in the scent of bleach from bloody surgeries, and the scent of clean instruments.

"Emma?" A soft voice fills my ears, and I giggle, bubbles of tears getting caught in my throat, making it sound as if I was choking. I hear the clang of metal, and suspect Winry of hitting Al on the head with her wrench. "Emma?"

"Fire and Water..." I mutter, my words sounding garbled. I sink to the floor, thinking of my brother, theyre matching features and hair. They had always been so similar, more like twins than Ed and I. "I dont understand."

Roy sits on the ground next to me, back against the wall. "What you said back there..." He trails off. I scoff, the tears continuing to release from my eyes. "Or is it still from Kimblee?"

"Neither. I was just thinking about what Ed and I both agreed to not ask Al when we were in surgery, after..." I sniffle out the words, worried about everyone's questions and answers. Roy wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. He fiddles with the end of my hair, waiting for me to continue, and i slump slightly. "We were afraid he'd blame us for his body being missing. I sure do blame myself, at least. I'm the older sister, I'm supposed to protect them."

He leans his head against my own, the top of my hair pressed against his cheek. "So you're older than Fullmetal?" Im taken aback by his question, and blush at the fact that he'll call Al and I by name, but not Ed.

"By eight minutes. He took all the time he wanted." I sigh. "But he's racing me on height." I was exactly three inches shorter than him, and the gap was widening. Deapite Ed's shortness, he was still growing. My growth seemed to happen in multiple places now, as I aged.

Roy chuckles, his body shaking with the sound. He traces letters into my arm. "What are you doing writing your name on me?" I ask, and he doesn't answer, blushing and blanching. I giggle, settling deeper into his side, earning no complaints from him. "Ed and Al are sure to come looking for me." He grunts in agreement. "He's going to try to kill you."

"Let him."

~small timeskip~

I must have dozed off, because I begin to wake at the sound of Roy's voice. "Shh, Fullmetal. You're going to wake her." I curl over slightly, breathing in his scent, recognizing the feel of a blanket over me. I attempt to doze again, the all-nighter hitting me hard.

"Get your hands off my sister, Mustang." The anger in Ed's voice annoying me. But I knew I'd get the brunt of it if I shared that i was awake. I hear Roy grunt, and his arm tightens around my shoulders, his hand cupped around my side.

"She needs to sleep, Fullmetal. She hasn't been getting enough, keeping tabs on you and everyone around her. Plus that run in with Scar. She hasn't got any sleep since her fever broke." Roy says, his voice stern.

I hear Al speaks next. "Brother, let her rest. Ill apologize when she wakes up. And we can tell her about the trip then too." 'A trip? Theyre leaving again?'

I can practically feel Ed grinding his teeth from where he is standing. I refrain from giggling at the situation, and instead get comfy again. To make it interesting, i roll, my human arm tossing itself over Roy's abdomen. I feel him jerk slightly in surprise, but he relaxes after a short moment. I could imagine Ed's face, mouth wide open in a silent scream, but i knew one thing for sure. Roy was a comfortable guy.

"I thought she said we didn't have to worry about bOys!!" I could predict Ed falling to the ground now, faint from the sight of his sister cuddling up to a boy, nonetheless a man like Roy.

"Edward, she's asleep." A new voice welcomes itself to the party, tear-stricken as i had been. "Let her be. Come on. The nurses want to redress your wounds." Winry grabs a protesting Edward and drags him back to his room, a hurring Al following behind them. I begin to dose again, but Roy begins to speak.

"Ltn. Hawkeye." His voice is calmer than I had ever heard, yet there is a sterness to it. She gives a small chuckle, most likely at the sight of my resting form. I fight angrily to be asleep again.

"You weren't kidding, were you? She does make you calmer." My ear seem to prick up, and I cant help but think I've misheard from the grogginess.

He sighs, pulling the blanket up further on me. "Fire and water, Riza. What an odd pair." He says his question as a statement, not needing any confirmation. And it's the last thing I hear, as a small mumbling of sleep-talking escapes my mouth.

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