Military Dogs

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A week later, Ed and i only leave the makeshift hospital room in wheelchairs, with Winry and Al pushing us to get some fresh air. Currently, we were staring at the white wall in our room, thinking of ways to fix this, hearing muffled voices from the room over.

Granny had visitors. We had asked for the door to be closed. Blocking out the guests and the smell of Winry's homemade apple pie.

I look to my brothers, Al sitting between mine and Ed's beds. His new metal body was sturdy, and so far he had adjusted to it well. More so, seemingly, when Ed and I had both been awake and lucid for a couple days. I open my mouth to speak, catching sight of Ed looking my way as well, only to be interrupted as the door opens.

Granny shuffles into the room, warning us with her eyes, as two military soldiers enter the room. Their eyes scan us all, and the male begins to speak. "The Elric boys-"

"Whaddya mean boys?" I ask, outrage filling my voice, the muscles in my remaining limbs clenching. He falters, looking at me, confusion in his face. His blonde companion speaks up, a small smile on her face.

"Sir, Em stands for Emma. She is a girl." As my brothers stare incredulously, the girl continues. "Her hair is in braids, not short, sir."

I huff in thanks to the woman I barely know, as she smiles at me. Her blonde hair is pinned up, her face stern yet comforting. I relax slightly, yet still on my guard.

"My apologies." The black haired man speaks, and i narrow my eyes at him, nodding in acknowledgement. He seems to be the one in charge, and i couldn't help but think of him as attractive, yet too annoyed to admit it to even myself.

"This is Sergent Riza Hawkeye. I am Colonel Roy Mustang-" i couldnt help but interrupt again.

"Roy Mustang? The Roy Mustang? The current youngest state alchemist and the youngest to fight in the Ishvalan war?" I ask, rushing my sentences as the words seem to appear in front of me, driven by the notes left behind in our fathers office.

"No way this is the one. He'd have to be seventeen by now. No way a seventeen year old is a colonel." Ed speaks up, mischeif and laughter heard in his voice for the first time since before the incident. I see Granny's face lift up, and Winry peak into the door.

I watch Mustang attempt to control his emotions as he hands Ed and I his card. "I've been asked to recruit you. If your brother here was older, I could recruit him as well-"

"So its not because he doesn't have a body?" Ed challenges, and i see Roy's eyes shift to me in worry, Ed's voice darker than ever.


"You don't seem surprised." I say, my voice small.

"I saw the house..." i flinch visibly, reliving the experience.

"Enough." I look up as Granny glares at the soldiers. "You intend to make them military dogs, don't you? In the same military that killed my son and his wife? Theyre children." She sounded disgusted as she attempted to further usher them out the door.

"Give us a call if you decide. We'd like to hear from you." As they turn to obey Granny, I open my mouth again.

With knowing that they would fund our research to get Al's body back, I couldnt pass this up. "Granny? How long would the surgery take?"

"Em? You intend to get automail?" Al asks, his voice small.

"We both do."

I glance at Ed, as Granny speaks with a sigh. "Three years with rehabilitation."

"We will do it in one." We speak at the same time, and i watch as Roy and Riza leave the room, as Granny immediately begins her measurements. She would build the automail, attach us to it, and then we would do the rest.


I fiddle with the silver pocketwatch between my gloves as the train moves, the country side of Ametris flying by. I see my eyes in its reflection, the golden brown wrong within the silver.

"Emma, do you think we did the right thing?" Ed asks, for both him and Al.

I hum, thinking. "Not by mom and definitely not by ourselves at first. We should have known better, done more research. But now? I think so. This is the only way to get Al's and our bodies back."

I look up to find them watching me, and i find the fire of our house still in Ed's eyes. We had burned it to the ground after retrieving very few items and burying the dark creature.

"Lets do this, guys." Al says, and i smile as East City comes into view.

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