Forbidden Lab

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Heading back to the apartment, i thank myself for not wearing makeup, yet curse myself for it at the same time. I scoff, a small chuckle escaping my throat. It sounds strange, strangled.

"You okay, Em? Should I pull over?" The concern is obvious in his voice, and i shake my head.

"No, I was just think that its good that I don't wear makeup." I say, earning a small smile. "Mom used to wear makeup. Winry does too." I grow somber at the thought of my mother, her brown hair flowing through my memories.

Roy is quiet for a moment, pulling over in front of the apartment. "What was she like?"

I think for a moment, quietly searching for the right way to describe her. "She was nice. She used to scold me for picking fights with the boys and not being more lady-like. And she'd scold Ed when he picked on Al or got something in my hair." I giggle at the memories, imaging the hair that she loved so much. She'd cry with happiness that I no longer wish for it to be cut. "But she praised us for showing true signs of Alchemy like our father." 

Roy looks at me, his expression stern. Yet underneath it all, I could see the soft expression, the gentle Roy that I adored. Though he would never know it.


I had made the decision to lie to Ed and Al as soon as I spoke to Kimblee, as soon as I realize the truth, yet I wasn't eager to share how close I had been without a good reason. I didn't plan on telling anyone my plan. Not even Riza and Roy until the moment was going to happen, I knew they were prepared for the moment. But I planned to meet him one on one, as friends. Not as enemies. To tell him the truth. 

I planned to meet Scar. 

I walk into the room, my metal leg making a solid thudding noise against the flooring, as their silence reverberates through the room. Ed and Al look up towards me from where they sat on the floor, a map of central spread out in front of them. I smile, shaking my head. "Kimblee was a dead end." I shrug, the missing information stinging in my mind. I then notice the two people who follow Armstrong's orders standing in the room. "Who are they?"

"Bodyguards put on us by Hughes and Armstrong. They refuse to let us go to the fifth laboratory." I see the hidden message. They were going to sneak to it, and i was plenty welcome to join. This would be a perfect time for me to find Scar though, without being worried about my brothers.

I nod to them, telling them I understand, but scrunch up my nose as if I were going to sneeze. A secret code we made up when we were younger. To let them know I would not be joining, hoping they connect it as Roy and Riza would be watching me closely. Ed gives a single nod, and yawns.

"Well, we best be going then. We'll have to wait for another lead." He says, coming to give me a hug. Our metal arms clank slightly together, as he whispers to me. "Be careful tonight, sister."

"You too, brother."


I convince Riza and Roy to go back to the water with me during the night. I sit down, praying that he will show, in an attempt to get us in the night. I sit at the edge of the water, trying to pick up on their conversation from the bench, but am just out of hearing distance. Until Riza raises her voice.

"Roy, she is-"

But I never hear the end, for i am deflecting a hit from Scar. I push him off, and he grins from the challenge of my strength against his. "Riza call for backup."

"No!" I yell, causing Scar to freeze. He stands straight five feet away from me, and i stand in a defensive stance, my water powers allowing the water from the pong to rise a little, touching my feet, giving me more power if I need it. Roy comes to stand besides me, his shoulder brushing mine from how close he is to me. "I came to talk."

"Talk to an Ishvalan. Its not what you Alchemists do." Scar grunts, his voice deeper than what I am familiar too. I relax slightly.

"Im not one of the people who did that to your people." I answer his accusatory tone. His eyes shoot to Roy and stay there.

"He is."

I sigh. "Not anymore. He wants to become Fùrher to try those involved in the war, as criminals. Even himself." Roy nods, relaxing next to me, as if the sound of my voice was driving him to remain calm.

Scar looks at us, before speaking. "Such an odd partnership. Fire and water..." The two of rake a sharp intake of breath, and Roy stands next to me protectively, his breath strong against my temple from his closeness.

"Emma, what are you doing?"

I sigh, letting go of my defensive state, but not moving away from Roy. "Learning." I stare dead on at Scar now, attempting to ignore the man near me. "I know about your brother." His eyes widen. "Hes kinda like me and my own." His eyes narrow again, and he sighs. I toss him something. A water, and Scar accepts the peace offering.

"He gave me his arm. Its how I learned about these powers." Scar grunts, taking a drink from the bottle. "How is that anything like you and you're brothers?"

I pull up my sleeve, showing off the metal part of me that makes me the more self-conscious. "Our mother died when we were young. All we wanted was to see her smile again." Roy looks at me, the apologies from Al when we were all younger ringing through his memory. "We tried to perform human transmutation. My twin lost his leg while I lost my arm. But our younger brother... lost his entire body. We tied his sould to a piece of armour, not wanting to lose him too. I lost my leg, and he lost an arm." I examine the material, an aching suspicion flowing through me, but i ignore it. Roy is angry and upset next to me, and i am unsure as to why. "Now we're just trying to get his body back, ours would just be a plus. Which is how we got here. The girl who got shot, starting the war? It wasn't an accident."

I see Scar flinch, anger soaring through his body, and i continue, knowing that it would subside. "They were using it to make a Philosopher's stone. An object that amplifies Alchemy. The main ingredient is human life." His eyes widen from the surprise of this. "When I almost attempted in the killed of Kimblee at his cell today, i confirmed such as much. He had a stone, and enjoyed the deaths of your people. He's the one that caused your brothers death." Scar growls.

"You should have killed him yourself."

"I try not to kill, if I can help it." I say, a small smile appearing on my face, until an explosion sounds throughout the air. I freeze, turning towards the building burning to the ground near us. The fifth laboratory. "Ed. Al." I sprint off, but not before yelling to Scar. "We have lots to learn from each other! But right now, i have to go save my brothers!"

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