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Days go by, and soon enough, two weeks have passed. My life during those two weeks were spent in silence, with different 'sitters' as I'd refer them as, checking on me and making sure I take all my meds. Winry has visited, guilt covering her like static on a balloon, despite my constant reassurance that it wasn't her fault.

No one had told me the plan.

Spending most of my time in my own room, except for on laundry days, I've begun to worry my housemates. I should be without any supports, walking freely with barely a limp, but I still found my crutches to be necessary more than anyone liked. Or a cane. But I couldn't find any of them, and I had a sudden need to be social again. Granted the only other person in the house is Roy, who hadn't uttered a single word about the night we spent snuggled together.

"Mustang!" I yell, sitting on the bed anxiously. No answer, no padding footsteps. Not even a grunt. When a couple minutes pass, I begin to wonder if he's gone to the office, leaving me alone to my loneliness, and anxiety inducing thoughts. Tentatively, I press my feet onto the ground, pushing myself up with my arms, afraid to strain my abdomen. The memory of 'alca-hestory' ripping my insides apart was still fresh in my mind, often occupying dreams, day and night ones alike.

Walking forward out the door, I hear a satisfied sigh to my right, exactly where Roy's bedroom door is. Clenching and swinging my fists as instinct takes over, I whimper with fear as his hands grip onto my wrists. "Sorry, it's just me, Emma."

He hasn't let go yet, his thumb brushing against my arm. For a split second I had been filled with anger. Having my sights on him now though, I'm just pretty sad, feeling forgotten. But I can't pull myself away. "You didn't answer." Letting go of me, he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Had to see if you could walk." Casually he shrugs, trying to seem like this wasn't a big deal. Looking around the living room, I try to catch sight of Riza or Havok, but only see the files stacked over the table. "Riza's at work, Havok's at his parents shop."

My cheeks burned with cuts as I worked over Havok, using the small bit of medical training I had to try and pack his wound. Roy had left us here in the dark, and when we heard the explosion, Havok tried to send me away.

"Go, Emma. You need to be with him, and I think Riza is out there. Go!" Packing the wound and telling the man to hold pressure, I sprint in the direction of burning flesh, Roy had cauterized his wound against my advice.

I find him shooting flames at the woman built from a philosophers stone, she barely recovering at this point. Off to the side Al is sheltering Riza behind a makeshift wall. My eyes harden when the stone-persone sees me.

"Ah, the she-ric. Don't get too close, I'm not even sure if hell's flames are this hot." And with those words she begins flaking away, a Lust to an end I suppose. Roy is breathing heavy, starting to feel the pain as his anger fades.

Not caring that Al is watching, I mouth to Riza, looking back to where Havok is before running over to Roy, catching him as he falls. Laying his head in my lap, I move his shirt in order to see his wound, hissing at the look of his burnt skin.

"You're an idiot."

Blinking at the memory, I swallow, thinking of Havok in his wheel chair, working on constant physical therapy. Biting my lip, I look back up at Roy, who's still watching me.

"You haven't talked to me since..." I stall, referring to the night we spent cuddled up together, sharing kisses.

"You haven't been out of your room since that fight with your brothers." He shrugs, watching me carefully. Maybe he sees the distant look, because he continues talking. "Trust me, I've thought plenty about sneaking under your covers and holding you. Just figured you'd need the space."

"Stop figuring, stop thinking." He raises a brow, hurt flashing across his face until I continue. "Just do, next time."

He gives me a small smile before leaning against the door frame. "So what did you need?"


Carefully, he takes me hand, pulling me into his room.

In there, we speak of everything going on before moving on to the most random things. Sitting next to him, mid giggle, as I lean into his neck to muffle the sounds he speaks more seriously then before.

"One day, when this is all over, I want to take you out. Dinner, maybe a show. Meet my aunt." He's very forward, watching my face as my giggles subside, a small smile settling onto my face. "This weekend. We can celebrate your last days of house arrest by meeting her."

After looking deep into his eyes and double checking his thoughts, I catch onto something I'd never heard. Something that floods over me as his lockbox opens, memories hit me like a train. Flashes of me over the three years I've been apart of the office, our kiss, and a single word.


Something in me wanted to know what he was holding back. But I knew I wanted him to be happy, I want him. Smiling, I reach to run my fingers through his hair, lightly tugging. "I'd love to meet your aunt." Feeling brave, I use the moment his smile widens across his face to swing my leg over his lap. Hands going swiftly to my hips, surprise filling his thoughts. "But Roy... lose some control."

"Emma, I can't." He shakes his head, looking almost pained at our proximity. Attempting to relax him, I run my hands over him, feeling the ripples of his muscles and running my fingers up into his hair. I could feel the vibrating emotions flowing through his body, hear the way he feels about what I'm doing.

Leaning forward, I connect our lips, a feeling settling deep within my stomach. An ache, only growing as his hands squeeze into my hips before pulling me closer. Pulling apart, both of our breaths are ragged and I hesitate slightly. "Then go as far as you can control."

Except, as Roy and I became closer together and molded into each other, I held all of the control. I set the pace, give him the go ahead for each new move he makes, every turn Roy tries to take.

Each kiss upon my skin, his excitement at each new noise I make driving me further. I never thought I'd see a more gentle yet rough Roy at one time. I can imagine the places where soft bruises will appear for him to kiss over the trail he's making.

And I never wanted it to end.


Omg, I'm so sorry for the wait!

Trying to rematch and get updates out is hard 😪

I hope 🙏 you enjoyed 😉

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