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Emma's P.O.V

The house was lit dimly in the night, the candles flickering as if fireflies had infiltrated the walls, highlighting the lighter spots in our matching blonde hairs. I look into my brothers eyes as we all drip our blood into the middle of the floor, finding determination fighting away their own fear, and I could only imagine the way I looked to them.

"Ready, Em? Al?" Edward asks, his voice pitching in weird places, reminding me that Mom wasn't here to help give him the right guides to get through boyhood to manhood.

"Ready." Our ten year old brother, Alphonse, speaks. His voice and face not wavering in any way, even though the nerves in his body were telling them too.

When they look to me, I nod, my golden eyes set in stone, as two pairs of similar eyes stare back at me. "Lets do this."

With a transmutation circle set, we all begin our work, staring intently ahead, as wind and light begin to swirl around us. All seemed to be going well... until it wasn't anymore. The room around us seemed to explode as the middle darkened and red filled my eyes.

"Alphonse!" I heard Ed yell, and I turn my head to see my younger brother begin to disappear, blood flowing from his already missing limbs. A screech sounds from within me as my arm removes itself from my body, and Ed's leg is taken from him.

"Al! Bring us back our little brother!" Searching deep into the hole of darkness for any sign of Al or our mother, regret fills our beings, brought on us by what we find in the roo.. A dark soul, black in color, reaches out to us, snarling. "He's all we have left!"

I can't help but whisper to it. "Mommy?" But all it does is snarl and choke back in what seemed to be a different tongue, but was just a jumble of sounds.

Being studying Alchemists, Ed and I do the only thing we know how to do. We transmute a piece of ourselves each to bring our brother back, tying his soul to a piece of armour, as the forbidden truth tries to overtake us as it had done to Al.

My body is numb as my leg is taken, the opposite one as Ed. I flinch as I watch his right arm disappear, thankful that I had only lost my left, i can still write properly. "Bring him back!" We scream again, as two bright orbs in the eye sockets of the armour appear.

"Ed? Em?" His voice sounds the same, but echoes through his new body like he had been trapped in a ventilation system.

"Al... I-I'm so s-sorry." I stutter. I could see the confusion on his metallic face, though the features didn't twist as i know they should have.

He begins yelling out questions i can only half hear, as he scoops us into his metal lap, attemtping to lift us high into his arms. I coild only hope that from our house to Granny's, she would know what was wrong.

~small timeskip~

I could barely recognize the voices around us as Ed and I dip in and out of consciousness. As my eyes flutter open and closed, I pick out the sight of Granny Pinako's frame, stern yet gentle as she watches attempts to heal us the best she can. At times my vision fills with the dirty blonde haired Winry. Her much taller form reminding me of my own mother, and the shortness of my brothers.

I zone out, wishing that this was a nightmare instead of reality.

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