Bad Day

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Shoving my way through the door of our small apartment, I scream in pain with no thought of the neighbor's complaints, the nerves in my body shrieking against me. I hear Riza hurrying behind me, Roy behind her after telling Havok to stay put. 'Why today? Of all days. I would have been in perfect condition for Winry, no repairs needed. Just adjustments.' 

Knocking over a chair, I hear Riza trying to reach me. "I'll fucking kill him!" I shout, my teeth gritted as I fight to let the words out.

"Emma, you have to breathe. Come here, let me see your arm!" Riza yells, attempting to hold me still. Without repeated training and taking small bits of damage, the hit to where my arm connects to me caused most of my nerves to untie from the automail. And they screamed in protest.

I growl in response, punching a door, protesting against my body for being frail. "He's dead. He's dead."

"Fullwater! Snap out of this!" Mustang's voice reaches me, as I hit another chair out of my way. Staring at him, I collapse to my knees, the pain taking over my body. Riza gets to me, a pair of scissors in her hands, as she begins to hack away my shirt, leaving me in a drak colored sports bra.

"How bad is it?" I whimper, seeing my bloodstained shirt fall to the ground in front of us.

"The automail is destroyed." Riza explains, as Roy gulps, but leaves his eyes resting on me. "But your nerves are salvageable. We should get you to the hospital."

"No." Both Riza and Roy look at me as if I'm mad. I grunt, standing up, heading to the sink. Running water on my face, I grunt as I see Havok in the doorway, staring at me open-mouthed. "No hospitals. I cant stare at another white wall, waiting for the right person to walk through the door." I grit the words through my teeth, my eyes moving to Roy and Riza. Who stand, waiting as if I were going to fall again. "Ill wait for Winry here."

"Winry isn't expected to be here for another 3 days." Riza tries to reason with me.

"What about work?" Havok asks, his voice clouded.

"This is my second time being attacked near the office. I think I'm much safer here." I say, spitting up a small bit of blood. "I need the phone. I have to tell Winry she'll need more tools." Riza makes a move, but Roy speaks up.

"We'll pay for her materials. You need to rest." He says, taking a step towards me. I step back, aware yet unaware of my bareness, my back colliding with the countertop. I can feel the waterworks flowing, my cheeks wet from the pain and my emotions overflowing, hyperaware that people were staring at me.

Riza steps forward, blocking me from bolting, knowing that running would make this all worse. They were trapping me. I breathe, feeling my body slump with exhaustion and pain. I slip slightly, my hands attempting to catch myself but only one responding, and instead feel Roy's hands grip onto me. Catching me.

His hands are rough, yet soft, firm to the touch and against my skin. I lean into them, my weakness draining deep into me, and his arm forces my knees to buckle. He lifts me into his arms, and finds me lighter than expected, yet all I could think of was how he could feel my automail, and i could only imagine how uncomfortable it makes him. "Emma, you're burning up."

"Its her nerves. This way. To her room." Riza leads him, walking very quickly, but Roy seems to move very slowly, my head set upon his shoulder, my face grimacing with the pain, turned into his neck. He holds me close, as Riza scrambles to cover my bedding with sheets, pulling plenty of blankets out from the trunk. Roy lays me down, and I loop my fingers in his jacket, now with bits of my blood on it. Riza throws blankets on me, tucking my feet and legs.

Roy sits with me, afraid to pull my fingers away from his jacket, as Riza makes phone calls for a Doctor to come here, and to get Ed and Al to hurry. "Why didn't she use more water power?" Havok asks, final having moved into the house. He stands in my open door, as my teeth clench together in an attempt to stop their shivering chatters.

"She is very strong. Sometimes too strong. She could have killed everyone in the area. Knowing that, she faltered." Roy says, adjusting himself, altering his position so his one arm is above my head.

"How were you the only one who didn't get wet?" Havok laughed, trying to make light of the situation as Riza places a wet cloth on my forehead, instructing Roy to hold it in place. "And how are you so good at this?"

"When you live and work in the military with a girl like Emma, you learn some emergency techniques." Riza says, a small hint of laughter in her voice. I give her a small smile, the fever set in, as the pain eases to a dull numb. Knowing a Doctor is on the way, i become anxious for the pain medicine. Wanting the pain to be eased, but afraid of what might come out of my mouth.

"When Emma was added to the team, she and I had to go through a set of training. Since our powers dampen each others, we were almost to the point where we could use our powers together, but our instructor went on a leave." Roy says, and i startle slightly when he says my full name in this setting, yet it eases me into a deeper relaxation.

A knock sounds, and Riza mutters about the Doctor, her and Havok going to open the door, as i zone out.

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