Journey to Anatol part 2

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An; it's finally done, and I'm almost at and close to 1k reads. Thank you so much; I will have a schedule and post about twice a month if I can, but anyway, the ending of this chapter was lovely almost made me cry more writing that final part, but thank you so much to everyone who has read this book I never thought I would have A lot of dedicated readers thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The morning light shined through the lush green forest as the sun rose to the sky as a bright ball of light. The sunlight reflected off the green leaves from the tree's

Riftan and his men cleared the campsite, packing the tents and loading up the equipment on the knights' wagons. He finished dressing into his silver amour, standing like a great emissary of light, the silver reflecting in the sunlight. riftan was in a haze looking at the carriage where his wife and daughter slept the past few days of the long journey to Anatol. The dark-haired knight's desire was burning like a passionate flame engulfing his heart. He wanted Maxi, his precious Maxi dishevelled in his arms and kissed the beautiful face that entrances him like a siren's call. He wanted to hear his daughter's adorable smiles and laughs to make him smile a thousand times.

"Is everything alright, captain"? Hebron Nirta asked Riftan growled under his throat, snapping out of his dream.

" you better be focussing on packing up camp instead of running that insulant mouth of yours". Riftan walked past Sir Herbaron as the commander yelled at his knights like a man scolding a child to hurry and finished to depart as quickly as possible. 

Lucina woke up to the morning sun on her face, fluttering her Burgundy eyelashes and stretching her tiny arms like the grand titan god atlas carrying planet earth against the gigantic shoulders. She cuddled her black stuffed horse and the small bag of her rock collection as her muscles ached from the days of long travelling.

" how long until we arrive at my fathers' estate," Lucinas taught to herself more questions enflamed in her mind like a cyclone forming in the far ocean. " I hope everyone is nice to me like the wizard Ruth, unlike everyone at Croix Castle treating her like a burden than a human being".

The groan came from her mouth as she fell with a thud from the carriage seat, landing on her bottom. Maxi opened her eyes as the sound frightened her, looking down to see her daughter sitting on the carriage floor like a lost kitten.

" Lucina, a-are you o-okay". Maxi asked worriedly, and she did not want her daughter to be hurt.

" I'm okay, mummy". She smiled merrily as Lucina's enhanced her small dimples with a huge smile.

Lucina's body ached from riding in a carriage. Despite getting used to camping, she longed to sleep on a bed once more. She smelled the smell of not bathing for days in the hem of her turquoise skirt. Her long dark Burgundy hair had become tangled from not brushing it for so long that it was hard to manage.

After taking a break and travelling for a few more hours, Lucina looked up at the clouds turning dark grey during the autumn monsoon. As the carriage stopped, a rumble of thunder echoed in the sky, reminding her of her grandfather's Grimm's footsteps echoing on the marble floors.

"The weather is pretty bad, so if we want to get to Anatol by today, we have to take the shortcut". Riftan informed the Entourage, turning his head to Maxi and his daughter.

"Maxi, will it be okay if you can please ride with me and Lucina will ride with Ruth"?

"O-okay". Then, Maxi and Lucina stepped out of the carriage, as Riftan grabbed his wife by the waist and gently lifted her on his black warhorse, her back resting on his chest, Ruth doing the same with Lucina, lifting her tiny body on his brown horse. This time, the little girl was excited to be riding in her favourite animal in the world.

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