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Myles' POV

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Myles' POV

"Hey", she said booping my nose as I sat there, as i watched her pretend i was someone who i wasn't. Thinking and finding comfort in a voice who didn't belong to her Aries. Someone who wasn't me, and I let her.

If you told me this was THE Elizabeth James, one of the most renowned doctors in New York city, I'd be laughing at you, but here we are, stuck in a uncomfortable chair with a extremely drunk Elizabeth, who apparently was sober and hadn't had a drink and just had a breakdown, again, about how Taylor Swift isn't her mum and how unfair it was.


"Do you like Taylor Swift? Because I loveee her. She's she is so pretty and sounds like a godess.", she said. It's been ten minutes since she finished crying, jumped onto a table and fell down. She reeked of alcohol, drunk leaving behind her control, maybe too much and too close to alcohol poisoning.

"Yes, I do like Taylor Swift."

"But you dont love her?"

"We've been over this, mi tesorina"

"HEY ! You're not supposed to be drinking", she wanted away my glass and put it to the other end of the table, there goes the one drink I've been trying to drink for the past hour.

"Come on let's go", she held him by his hand and dragged him out of the bar, it's a surprise that she didnt trip and fall. Unlocking her car she tried to start the engine only to be interpreted by him, Mr Hot-shot party pooper with his stupid pretty green eyes and fluffy hair.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Driving, duh" , ofcourse she was.

"Get in I'll drop you off to your apartment"

"No no not my apartment, Alex will be so mad I came home drunk, which I am clearly not."


"Yes ! He's my bessttt friend"

Well that's a relief. Not that I am attached to her in like a emotional way, emotions are idiotic anyway.

"Fine would you like to go to my apartment instead ?"

"I don't want to be a bother."

"You are anything but a bother, you will never be a bother, atleast not to me, okay ?"

She nods, without speaking another word we start walking out of the drivers side , the car was parked in front of the bar, it's a small one perhaps that's what made it cozy and comfortable. The air felt clear now that we were out of the party atmosphere and away from the sweaty bodies.

"Hey, can you call Alex for me, tell him I'm going home with you, he'll be worried otherwise."

Even when she's half wasted, scratch that, even when she is HEAVILY wasted, she still cares about others, looks out for them. What happen to her ? Who broke her so bad ? Elizabeth James you are a beautiful disaster and I can't help but want to know more about you.

She handed me her now unlocked phone after she finished dialing the number, one that was saved by "Lover", does that make me jealous? Yes and I don't know why. Her touch alone makes me want to kiss the ground she walks on, her eyes make me weak to my knees and her voice, the things her voice do to me, I can't fathom the feeling into words. What are you doing to me, Elizabeth ?

"Lizzie what the fuck bro its three in the fucking morning where are you I'm worried sick-"

"BUNNY IM WITH ARIES.", she yelled into the phone. Rest in peace my ear canal.

"What do you mean ? Are you drunk ? Where are you ? I'm coming to pick you up.", he said.

"No", she said, "I'm going home with Aries, he said I'm not a bother."

"You are never a bother, lover, you're my best friend but Aries isnt -"

"She's with me Doc", I said looking at his face on the screen, I could see he was worried but calmed a little.

"Take care of her", he said with a pause ,"Aries"

Aries, that one name makes me want to puke my guts out, it makes me sick to the stomach, if he doesnt punch the guy I sure as hell will.

"If you need anything please call me, Lizzie and you", he said looking at me ,"If anything happens to her I will beat you to the pulp, understood ?" , he said it almost as a warning to me and to say that's exactly what I expected was a understatement.

"I will, you have my word." , I said.

"Good and no funny business.", he said making her laugh, she should laugh on my jokes, I should make her laugh, not that I'm getting jealous . Okay maybe a little. Little more than little. Fine ! I am jealous.

She hung up the phone and climed into the car, her eyes were droopy and clearly sleep deprivation was taking a toll on her, I slowly moved my hand to reach to her, "Sleep, I'll wake you up when we are there.", I said to get a humm in response. Her head was rested into the window frame and her hand under it.

When we arrived I turned to look at her and wake her up but she looked so peaceful, angelic even. I can't wake her up. So instead I did what every gentleman would, I picked her up and carried her inside, the looks I got one the way to my apartment didn't matter, they didnt hurt. I was too busy caring about something, rather someone right now. They didnt matter, neither did their looks, their pity or stuck up remarks . They were meaningless to me. I stumbled into my apartment somehow and placed her on the soft mattress. I couldn't help myself but kiss her on her forehead.

"I don't know what happen to you or who fucking hurt you, but I can see it on your face you've had it rough, I want to be there for you, help you . You make me want to change and we both know that's not possible, you make me want to feel again, to learn how to dance in the middle of the road on a rainy day without giving zero fucks about the consequences, you make me feel things I don't want to feel anymore. What are you doing to me ?"


Hi my loves heres the 7th Chapter , ( it's the longest chapter I've ever written for this book, yet 😭, 1.1k words) I hope you liked it, tag me in your posts/review about Dear Butterflies on instagram (@starfire2389 @reythakker) and Twitter ( @starfire2389 @reyxthakker )

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Until next time 🤍🎀

Until next time 🤍🎀

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