☀️Opening day☀️

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No one's pov:

As the daycare finay re-opened, Sun stayed in his tower as he heard the children come in. Moondrop had told him to stay there as he was new, and it was going to be a suprise for the kids. Of course the kids where excited to see this new animatronic. "OKAY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I NOW PRESENT YOU, OUR NEWEST FRIEND, SUNDROP!!!!" Shouted Moon signaling for sun to come out. Suddenly the children saw sundrop leap from the balcony and into the ballpit. They all cheered and got even more excited at the sight of him. The daycare got so loud that all the cheering and yelling was heard from outside.

The other animatronics got worried as they headed for the daycare. The stage was not opened yet so they weren't performing. As they all rushed inside Monty and Roxy where the first ones to get there since their the fastest. As they busted through the door they all saw sundrop being surrounded by a mob of children. Moondrop was being ran over by them too. As popular as the glamrock are, the kids didn't pay attention to them. "Ah! K-kids! I know you're excited!! But, please be carefull! Make some room please!! Moon!!" Sun pleaded for Moon to help him, he was then tackled and tripped backwards into the deep end of the ballpit. "Agk! Moondr-!!!!" The kids then suddenly started to panic as they saw the animatronic fall and drown in the pall pit.

Monty and Roxy then rushed towards the two. Roxy went to Moondrop and lifted him up. "Ughhh I'm gonna die" groaned Moon as he was over Roxy's shoulders. "Whats happening!?!" Yelled Roxy as she could bearly be heard over the shouting and cheering from the children. "They got over excited for Sundrop" said Moon as he was put down and was now looking for sun. "Sun, where's sundrop Roxy?" Asked moondrop in a worried tone. Then, they both suddenly see sun falling into the ball pit. "SUNDROP!!" They both shouted as they rushed over, only to see Monty jumping in the ballpit as he frantically looked for sun.

Both Roxy and Moondrop jump in trying to find him. The children sarted looking too as one by one jumped in the ballpit trying to find sun. After a while, they see a hand emerged for the ballpit, and Monty rushed over to see it was Sun's had and pulled him up. "Agk!! M-Monty!? Oh thank you!!!" Said sun as he hugged Monty tightly in fear. Moon got relived as he saw Sun was fine. "Okay kids back up back up!!" Ordered Moon as they all did what he said. "We're sorry Mr.Sundrop!" "Yea we didn't meat to throw you in the ball pit!" "It was him! He pushed you!" "No it was him!!" "O-okay kids!! Im fine no need to worry!" Said Sun as he smiled. Monty blushed at this. "You can put me down now Monty" Said sun as he looked at him. "Oh r-right" he placed Sun down. "Okay children, I accept your apology. How about next time you guys perhaps keep it down, you even made the glamrock worried too.!" Said sun as he pointed towards the entrance to where Chica and Freddy where standing at. The kids got excited again. But not too much as they followed sun's orders.

After a cuple of days after that the kids behaved properly to sun. After hours Sun would hang out with Monty as he enjoyed being by his side. Moondrop didn't like it though, mainly because he didn't trust nor like Monty. "Where the hell do you think you goin'?" Asked moon from the bed as sundrop headed for the door. "Well, I'm going to see Monty!" Said sun as he smiled. "Whyyyy? You seen him, like, everyday. Why are you interested in him??" Asked moon in annoyance as he said Monty's name. "Well, because he's fun to hang around with" Said sun as he opened the door. "I don't trust him." Said Moon as he got up and headed toward the door. "Well that's because you've never been around him. Nor have talked to him often." "I don't need to know him, I just don't like him at all!" He said as he lamed the door shut. "Well too bad" "shrugged sun as he now headed to the balcony. "Sun get back here!" Yelled Moon. Sundrop climbed the balcony and was standing at the end. "Sundrop get here now!!" Growled moon. "Make me!" Smirked sun as he leaped off the balcony. "Oh okay! It's on!!" Yelled back Moondrop with a smirk on his face as he chased after Sundrop.

Sun climbed the pipes and got inside a vent. Moon did the same as he followed sundrop trying to chatch him. Soon the weren't climbing inside the daycare vents as they were now outside the daycare. Sundrop kicked a vent open as he climbed out of it. "GET BACK HERE SUNDROP!!!" Shouted moon as he was still in the vent. The echo went throughout the whole plex. The gang heard his scream as they all played cards. "Well, looks like their at it again" Said Chica as she looked up. "Yea, one of their shenanigans again." Said Roxy annoyed. "Well, at least their having fun!' Said Freddy. Then they all see sundrop leaping from pipe, to pipe as mooddrop tried to catch him. "Wish we could do that!!" Whined Chica. "Yep, that does look fun" Said Freddy as they all looked up and watched both sun and moon move around the ceiling as if they where on the floor.

Moondrop then leaped off a pipe as he was confident he would catch sundrop. But sun leaped quickly form moon's grasp causing moondrop to fall rigth on top of the table. All three of them got out of the way as they saw Moondrop fall "Hey moondrop you okay!?!?!" Asked Freddy worried as he rushed over. "Fuck!!! I will get you Sundrop!!!" Shouted moon as sun laughed and got further away from him. "Ha! Finally, I got away!" Said sundrop as he had landed in a hallway. "Okay time to-" he then bumped into Monty. "Ugh! Oh H-Hi Monty!!" Waved sun as he backed away in embarrassment. "Monty?" Asked Sun, but Monty didn't respond, he just stood there looking at him with his red eyes. "M-Monty??" Asked Sun again as he felt even more embarrassed being stared at.

Monty then leaned down to be on eye level to sundrop's. He then placed his hands on his waist and pulled Sundrop closer. "H-Hey Monty?" Asked Sun as he blushed hard as Monty had placed his hands on his waist. "Sundrop?" "Y-yea?" "What do you feel about me?" "How I feel? Well I like you! We are friends after all!" Said sundrop as he smiled at him. But Monty only looked disappointed at his response. "Hey? Are you okay?" Asked Sun as he placed his hands on montys face. "Yea" Said Monty as he pulled Sun's hands away for him and walked away. "Wonder what tha was about?" Mumbled quietly sun.


Okay this took all day cuz I was ignoring it. Anyhow I need ideas for this series cuz its kinda bad. So please leave ideas for me to turn into chapters!!!!😩😩😩

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