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He started cleaning Sundrop up. He looked at the beautiful mess he made out of him with a pleased smirk on his face. Adorable he thought to himself. Sun slept in his room the whole night. Thankfully, the plex was closed tomorrow. So sun could sleep in.

The next morning, Monty was out of the room going to maintenance to fix his tail a little bit. Sundrop still hadn't woken up, and it was now afternoon when nonty walked in. *still not up huh* he thought. He came close to sundrops face and gave him a light kiss on his lips.

"Hmmm~" groaned Sun as he slowly turned around. "Hey, don't ya turn away from me" chukled Monty as he flipped sun facing him again. "Mmm~ what time is it?" Said sun slowly opening his eyes.

"Well good afternoon pretty face" smirked Monty. "Yawn* good afternoon... afternoon... noon... NOON!!! GOSH I GOTTA GET TO THE DAYCARE!!" Panicked Sun as he fell out of the couch.

"Hey, hey calm down! The plex is closed up!" Shouted Monty it took a moment for Sun to calm down before realizing. "Oh yea... it's is, sorry" "You good mate?" Asked Monty in concern.

"Y-yes, it's just, I can't feel my legs, well more like their numb, I can move them a bit, but it hurts."

"Looks like I might of gotten overboard..." Chukled Monty as Sun was holding onto him. Sun got flustered, "yea, you did" he growled a bit. "Here, let me help ya" Monty then lifted sun over his shoulders. "Ah!"

"Well, where you headed?" Sundrops face was embarrassed. "D-Daycare, I gotta see Moon" "M'kay next stop, the daycare" Said Monty as he started running towards there. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Monty slowly dooown!!!"

Monty then bursted throught the door of the daycare. "Hell yea!! Made it" he shouted. "Where the hell have you been!?" Shouted moon. "Hey there Moon!! I had a small sleepover in Monty's room!" Said Sun as he poked out his head happily and waved.

"Put him down!!" Growled Moondrop. "Whats up you're ass?" Said Monty annoyed as he placed Sun down. "Moony!!" Shouted happily sun as he leaped in Moon's arm. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. "Hmm? Oh! I can't walk!" He said smiling.

"What??" It took a moment for Moon to realize why. "You did not do what I think you did to Sunny!!" Growled Moon. Monty then slowly gave a big grin and smirk on his face. "Oh. Yes. I. Did." He said in a cocky tone.

"Get you're ass outta here before I do something bad that's will upset sun but will make me feel MUCH better!!!" He Shouted. "See you latter Honeydrop~!" Said Monty as he walked out laughing.

"Byeee!!!" Waved Sunrop before looking up to see Moon's angry face. "W-what?" "Oh you are in big trouble Sunny" he Growled with an angry smile on his face. "What did I do!?" He Shreked. "You know what you did!!" Said moon as he carried Sun towards the naptime room and threw him on a pile of pillows.

"Aghhhh" Whined Sun. "Please Moon I didn't do anything wrong~!!" Moon just glared at him, but sun gave a sad puppy eyes at him. Unghhh resist moon!!! He thought to himself.


Monty x Sundrop (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now