🔨Part 2 : Lose Nail🔨

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"ENOUGH!!! You know what! Here just-" Freddy then quickly and carefully took sundrop out of Moon's hands and carried him bridle style trying not to move him much. "I'll just take him, you two girls can stay here and continue arguing!" He then walked off. Monty and moon stood there dumbfounded before racing eachother, following behing Freddy.

No one's pov:

Freddy made his way to maintenance with the other two behind him. "Why would you even argue while he was broken?" "....." Both Monty and moon stood there quiet. They finay made it to maintenance, the worker there was shoked in the condition sundrop was left on.

"Whoa! Now that's one hell of a repair to make!" The worker said surprised as he told Freddy to place sun on the table and started inspecting him.

"Well, it will take just a few minutes to replace the spikes. But you guys said you dropped him, right?" Asked the worker. "Umm... yea" Said moondrop.

"And you quys said steam started comming out of his head and glitching out?" "Yep" answered Monty. "Since what you two said is true. It will take about two days to check Sun's whole system. But if it's damaged in anyway, then it will take about four, to a whole week to fix him."

"But he'll be fine, right?" Asked moon worried. "Yes, now sho! Get out of here I need to star working on him for the sake of the daycare. About that. You, Moon will have to run it all alone, unless you want a co-worker to fill in for Sun?"

"Co-worker! I don't wanna handle those kids during playtime!" Said moon in shivers at the thought of it.

A week later:

Sun was now fixed and back to work he went. Although, he wasent fully fixed, but nobody knew that. Moon and Monty noticed Sundrop behavior. But Monty noticed Sun acted weird towards him more.

He became more flirty towards him. Ofcourse, Monty didn't mind or care about it. Later throughout the day, it was still playtime and Sun was working with the children. He was very bored, usally he would be very happy and entertained playing with then.

But since he wasent fully fixed, he really didn't care much about anything besides Monty. As he dozed off, Monty snuk in the daycare and hid in one of the closets. Sundrop turned his head as he heard a sound coming from the closet. He walked toward it and went inside.

"Hello~?" He asked as he shuffled around the closet. "Meh" Sun was about to leave the closet, but the suddenly as he opened the door to leave. He got pulled from behind and the door was slammed shut.

"Hey! What the h-!!" He blushed at the sight of Monty pinning him on the wall. He looked the door with one arm and the other pinning both of Sun's hands above him.

"Well very sneaky are you huh~?" Smirked sun. "Anything just to see you darlin'~" he tok smirked as he kissed Sun's drop roughly. He pulled away as sun panted for air.

"Well Mr. Montgomery gator~ It's against the rules for unknown members to enter the daycare without permission. Especially to pin me against the wall against my own will~" he smirked with a cocky tone as he pulled his hands away and wrapped them around Monty's neck.

Monty then lifted up sun, carring him and pulled down his pants as he took out his dick. "Ya ready~?" "Just don't get me dirty, I still need to work~" he smiled as he kissed Monty again. "Hmmm~!" Moaned Sun as Monty thrusted into sundrop harshly. He pulled away from the kiss as he started moving slowly.

"Huh, looks like you remember my fit~" he said as Sun Moaned. "S-Shut up- AhHHHh~! Ngh~ g-go faster~" Begged Sun. "As you wish my love" Suddenly without warning Monty thrusted hard into sun and started to go fast. "AHHHHHHH~ G-GOD~! AHhHHh~! YES~ YES~!!! HMMM~ NGHA~ FASTER~!!"

Monty smirked at this and went even faster. Sundrop Moaned loudly as the shelf shooked. Some objects fell from the shelves as Sun held on to them for dear life. "NGH~ AH~ AH~ I-IM GONNA~!" Monty continued as he too was close to cum. "Then how about we cum together hmm~?" He then kissed Sundrop as he gave one final hard thrust.

"MMmMmmM~!" They both pull away from the kiss as they both panted heavily. "I love you~!" Chukled Sundrop as he sat down on the floor. "Love you too" chukled Monty. "Well, you gotta go now, before they see you" "Farwell my love" Monty then slowly left the closet.

"Ugh~!! My ass hurts!!" He Whined as he slowly got up and walked back to the children. Sun just sat down on the small chair for the rest of the time till nap time.


Monty x Sundrop (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now